Mar 13 2025 22:15:32

Clery Report

Understanding the Clery Report

To understand the Clery Report, you first should understand the Clery Act, and how it came to be. 

What is the Clery Act?

On April 5, 1986, Jeanne Clery, a freshman at Lehigh University, was raped and murdered in her dorm room. Her parents, Howard and Connie Clery, led the charge on Capitol Hill for policy change in regards to unreported crimes on college campuses across the country. In 1990, Congress instituted the landmark federal statute then known as the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990. The act was later amended in 1998, and renamed in memory of Jeanne to the Clery Act. 

The law originally required colleges and universities across the United States to disclose crime statistics that occurred on and around their campus. In the thirty plus years that have followed, it has grown to encompass over one hundred policies and procedures. Congress also instituted a fine for colleges and universities found out of compliance, which increases annually. Additionally, if a college or university is found out of compliance their Title IV funding (financial aid) can be limited. The Act is enforced by the United States Department of Education.

Campus Crime Statistics

The law requires each college or university to disclose crime statistics that occur on campus, in public areas immediately adjacent to or running through the campus, and certain non-campus facilities, including off campus sports facilities and remote classrooms. The statistics must be gathered from campus police or security, local law enforcement, and other school officials, known as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), who have “significant responsibility for student and campus activities” such as student judicial affairs directors. Professional mental health and religious counselors are exempt from reporting obligations, but may refer patients to a confidential reporting system.

Crimes are reported in the following seven (7) major categories, with several sub-categories:

  1. Criminal Homicide broken down by
    1. Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter and
    2. Negligent manslaughter
  2. Sex Offenses broken down by
    1. Rape
    2. Fondling
    3. Incest
    4. Statutory Rape
  3. Robbery
  4. Aggravated Assault
  5. Burglary
  6. Motor Vehicle Theft; and
  7. Arson.

Schools are also required to report the following three types of incidents if they result in either an arrest or disciplinary referral:

  1. Liquor Law Violations
  2. Drug Law Violations
  3. Illegal Weapons Possession

In addition, with the introduction of the Violence Against Women Act, schools are also required to report:

  1. Domestic Violence,
  2. Dating Violence and
  3. Stalking incidents. 

Colleges and universities are also required to report incidents of Hate Crimes which includes an extensive subset category of crimes. 

Campus Safety & Security Report Annual Report

Colleges and universities are required to publish an annual security report (ASR) every year by October 1st, which must contain the crime statistics for the 3 previous years and numerous security policy statements. The report is to be made available to all current students and employees, while prospective students and employees are to be notified of its existence. Northern Essex Community College, in accordance with these requirements, publishes an annual Campus Safety & Security Report (Clery Report) and makes this report available to the entire campus community.

For more information about the Clery report, please contact Tracey Trask in the NECC Department of Public Safety at 978-556-3694.

2024 Clery Report

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