Mar 14 2025 06:44:56

Student Success Data

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Term and Academic Year Enrollment

This table shows the total number of students enrolled for each of the past ten academic years. This will help you to understand how many students attend NECC each academic year, and to see differences by semester and student characteristic. If you click on a term the demographic information on the right will change to reflect that particular semester.

Use the tabs along the top to change which graph is displayed in the large pane. This table will let you view enrollment by Term, Full Time Status, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age Group, and Academic Year.

Enrollment by Student Type

The central figure shows the total number and percent of total enrollment for types of enrolled students (Continuing, New, Transfer, Stop In / Returning, and High School), with additional smaller tables to show enrollment by student characteristics. This table will help you to understand how many continuing, new, returning, and high school students are attending NECC in a given semester.

You can look at all students or specific majors and change the semester displayed using the drop down menus at the top right. If you click on a student type the demographic information on the right will change to reflect that particular semester.

Enrollment by Major

This graph shows the percent of total enrollment that each major represents in a given semester. This graph will help you to understand which majors students are choosing when they enroll at NECC. If you click on a major the demographic information on the right will change to reflect that particular semester.

You can change the semester by using the dropdown menu in the upper right corner. The smaller side graphs show enrollment by student characteristic for that semester.

Course, Class, Credit Information

This graph breaks down how many students are enrolled in a certain number of credits in a given semester, and what percent of total each range of credits represents of total enrollment. The second tab refines this view by showing the number of students enrolled in each of the courses offered at NECC. This will help you to understand the average course load for students in a given semester and which courses make up that load.

You can refine the enrollment summary views by using the dropdown menus along the top to change the term; for the student summary you can also specify student characteristics and declared major.

Successful Course Completion Rates

This table shows the rate at which students successfully complete the courses they enroll in by semester. At NECC, successful completion is a grade of C or higher. This information can be viewed by specific semester, over the past ten academic years, by specific term, or by student characteristics. This will help you to understand the percent of successful completions out of the total number of course enrollments.

You can change the view and what information is considered using the tabs along the top of the table, and then using the customizing dropdown menus on each view to specify what you want to see.

Degrees Awarded

This graph shows the number of graduates in each of the last ten academic years and the type of degree they earned. You can view this data in total or by specific student characteristics. A second tab shows you the number of those degrees that were awarded in each of the declared majors for a specific academic year. This will help you to understand our graduate rates, the types of degrees students earn at NECC, and the relative number of graduates in each of our academic programs.

You can use the radio buttons and dropdown menu on the first page to refine your view by gender, ethnicity, or age group, and to choose a specific major. On the second page, you can use the dropdown menu to select a specific academic year. If you hover with your mouse over a major you will see details about the gender, age group, and ethnicity of the graduates for that major.


This table shows student retention data in a number of ways. The first page shows the retention rate by fall semester for the past ten academic years. The subsequent tabs provide options to see that same data disaggregated by student type, student characteristics, and declared major. This will help you to understand how many students return for another semester at NECC, how many students graduate, transfer, or stop attending, and how those may differ based on factors such as ethnicity, gender, enrollment type, and declared major.

Each tab has several options for refining the data you can view. Use the radio buttons and dropdown menus at the top of each tab to set the retention parameters and specific student characteristics you want to view.

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