College Leadership

Guiding the Success of Northern Essex Community College
At Northern Essex, our college leadership recognizes that education provides opportunity and improves lives.
Our trustees along with our president and his cabinet are committed to working with our faculty and staff to help our students achieve their goals.
Comprised of community and business leaders, the NECC Board of Trustees includes nine members who are appointed by the governor to a maximum of two five-year terms as well as an alumni-elected member, who also serves a maximum of ten years, and a student trustee who serves for two semesters.
Dr. Lane A. Glenn has been president of Northern Essex Community College since 2011. He is focused on student success, passionate about finding ways to help students achieve their educational goals, and is a strong advocate for colleges and universities as engines of economic and workforce development—particularly in Massachusetts Gateway Cities.
The President’s Leadership Cabinet includes the leaders of our academic, enrollment services, fundraising, marketing, workforce training, research, administrative, and technology areas, who collaborate to ensure the success of NECC’s students and the communities the college serves.
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