Mar 25 2025 21:49:12

Public Records

Commonly Requested Public Records

As of January 1, 2017 a new public records law took effect in Massachusetts. You can access information about the new law on the Secretary of State’s website.

In compliance with this law, Northern Essex Community College provides the most commonly requested public records including:

Massachusetts Public Records Information

COMMBUYS is the official procurement record system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Executive Departments. COMMBUYS offers free internet-based access to all public procurement information in order to promote transparency, increase competition, and achieve best value for Massachusetts taxpayers.

CTHRU is the Office of the Comptroller’s new transparency site for state spending and payroll. It provides spending data going back to fiscal year 2010 and payroll data back to calendar year 2010 through present for most state agencies.

How to Request Public Records

If the records you are searching for are not available on this site, you can request those records by contacting the Northern Essex Community College Records Access Officer (contact information below). A request for public records should include:

Within 10 business days of receipt of the request, you will either receive the record or will be contacted in writing. Written responses will be to acknowledge the request and provide a date the records will be available, to deny the request with an explanation of the denial, or to ask for further clarification.

Please keep in mind the college’s response time will depend on the number of public record requests being processed by the college, how many records are responsive to the request, how old the records being requested are, and how specific the request is.

Questions or More Information:

To submit a public records request or for more information please contact:

Michael McCarthy
Records Access Officer, Vice President of Administration
Phone: 978 556-3933

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