Supplemental Instruction (SI) Classes (Tutoring)
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About Supplemental Instruction
What is Supplemental Instruction?
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions that accompany a particular group of courses.
Attendance at sessions is voluntary. For the student, it’s a chance to get together with people from class to compare notes, to discuss important concepts, to develop strategies for studying the subject, and to review for tests. At each session, students will be guided through this material by an SI leader, a competent student who has previously taken the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Supplemental Instruction leader?
SI leaders are students themselves and are prepared to share what they have learned over the years about how to study.
They know the course content and are anxious to help guide students through it. They’ll be in class every day, hearing what students hear and reading what students read. What they won’t do is lecture; their job is to help students think about the lectures and readings, and then put it all together during the SI review sessions. SI can help students learn course material more efficiently.
When do Supplemental Instruction review sessions start?
SI sessions start the first day of class. Students can attend one or all sessions, and each one will be different depending on course material. SI review sessions are informal. Students may bring their notes, textbooks and questions.
How do students enroll in an Supplemental Instruction course?
On the academic schedule students can identify SI courses by their section designation which ends with “SI”, for example CRN: 1234, MAT120-SI. For more information on how students can register in an SI class, please contact an Academic Advisor.
Want to be an Supplemental Instruction leader?
To apply to become a Supplemental Instruction leader, please fill out the leader application, save it to your computer and email to, or print it and drop it off at: Haverhill Campus, Room B216 or Lawrence Campus, Room L202.
Got Questions?
We're here to help. Contact us if you have questions.