Mar 25 2025 23:21:08

ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring

How to Use ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring

ThinkingStorm is an academic support program that gives students online access to live, one-to-one assistance from trained and qualified tutors.

ThinkingStorm is offered to NECC students at no additional cost.

Logging in to ThinkingStorm

  1. Log into MyNECC Portal and sign into your NECC  Blackboard account.
  2. On the left side of your Blackboard Institution Page, select the “Tools”.
  3. Click on the button for ThinkingStorm LTI and you will automatically be logged into your account.

Online Tutoring Categories

There are a variety of subjects available for students to access for online tutoring support, including math, statistics, writing, science, health sciences, business, and specialty topics (computer applications, computer programming, and software).

Please note:  online writing support occurs asynchronously by uploading assignment drafts and receiving feedback through email. Online tutoring support for health science, business and other specialty topics are available in the system by appointment only.


Students are limited to 5 hours of free online tutoring per semester.  Please use your time wisely. If you’ve exceeded the maximum, you will receive a message to contact the Tutoring Center.

Technology Requirements and Troubleshooting

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