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The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) helps students earn credit for what they already know, regardless of how that knowledge was acquired. By receiving a satisfactory score on a CLEP exam, students can earn college credits toward a college degree or certificate, depending on the exam subject and the policy of the college. CLEP FAQ’s.
The DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) is an effective method to provide your college with evidence of prior learning. By receiving a satisfactory score on a DSST exam, students can earn college credits toward a college degree or certificate, depending on the exam subject and the policy of the college. If you are military, click Active Duty/Veteran for information. DSST FAQ’s.
Study Resources
For CLEP Exams
- CLEP Test Preparation
- NECC Library (Search KEYWORD CLEP Preparation)
- CLEP Study Guides
- Official 2023 CLEP® Study Guide Apps
- Other Study Resources
- Official CLEP Spanish Language Released Exam – Get the App today!
- CLEP Practice Tests are available on-line at College Board
- Military: How to Register Under DANTES
- Modern States Course Catalog
- CLEP Product Listing
For DSST Exams
- DSST Test Preparation
- DSST Prep – Speedy Prep
- Official Guide to Mastering DSST Exams
- Test Preparation
- Practice Exams
- DSST Practice Tests are available online at Get College Credit
DSST has launched applications for smart phones within the Android Google Play and Apple App stores. The application displays a detailed listing of each exam, content outline, references and recommendations. Additionally, it allows the user to take a free practice exam (roughly 10 questions). Check it out for yourself by searching for DSST in your app store – and download the app and take a free quiz today!
CLEP Testing
If you have a learning or physical disability that would prevent you from taking a CLEP exam under standard conditions, you may request accommodations at your preferred test center. Contact your preferred test center well in advance of the test date to make the necessary arrangements and to find out its deadline for submission of documentation for approval of accommodations. Accommodations that can be arranged directly with test centers include:
- Zoom Text (screen magnification)
- Modifiable screen colors
- Use of a reader, an amanuensis, or a sign language interpreter
- Extended time
- Untimed rest breaks
If the above accommodations do not meet your needs, contact CLEP Services for information about other nonstandard options at or at 800-257-9558 before you register through My Account.
If you are an NECC student requesting accommodations, contact the Center for Accessibility Resources & Services at If you are approved for accommodations, documentation from the Center for Accessibility Resources & Services (CARS) office will be provided to the Testing Center and the candidate will be contacted to register and schedule the CLEP test.
DSST Testing
Test centers and Prometric will provide reasonable testing accommodations set forth under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to allow test takers with documented disabilities to participate in taking DSST exams. If you have a disability and require special arrangements, please call 1-800-967-1139.
- Language Proficiency Testing Policy at NECC
- College Board CLEP Exam Policies
- Prometric DSST Exam Policies
Please note:
Northern Essex Community College does not award credit for all of the CLEP exams offered through the College Board and administered by the Academic Placement & Testing Center. Northern Essex Community College awards CLEP & DSST credits earned by the achievement of the required scores listed in the CLEP & DSST General/Subject Exams. The score requirements are set through the recommendation of the American Council on Education and based on review by faculty at Northern Essex Community College. If you are taking a CLEP/DSST exam for another institution, you should check with that institution to find out which CLEP & DSST credits are awarded and if there are any restrictions.
The American Council on Education’s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) evaluates CLEP processes and procedures for developing, administering, and scoring the CLEP exams. Based on this information the 2015-16 CLEP Credit-Granting Recommendations have changed for the Foreign Language CLEP exams. Per the ACE recommendations, candidates can earn 6 or 9 credits for French, German, and Spanish Language exams, and 6 or 12 credits for the Spanish Language with Writing exam at Northern Essex Community College.
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