Registration Steps (1-2-3):
1. SUBMIT the CLEP/DSST Testing Request Form. Pick a test date from the list above. Be sure to enter the test date and select the location based on the test date and location you chose from the schedule above.
- Submit one form per exam.
2. PAY your NECC registration fee to reserve your seat. This is non-refundable. Instructions to pay are provided when you submit your request form and are provided below.
- Pay the NECC Registration fee on our Online payment system (preferred method) to reserve your seat. This is non-refundable. Select the exam and click the + in Enroll Now, click ADD TO CART, click CHECK OUT, and in I am a new user, type in your email and follow the prompts to complete the payment. When making your online payment do not include Spanish accents on your name. Once the payment is made you will get a confirmation and will then receive an email confirmation that provides you with your confirmation materials, including instructions to purchase your CLEP exam from the College Board and printing out your CLEP Registration Ticket to bring on your test date or if you are taking a DSST exam, you will be provided instructions for test day. You can send a money order, made payable to NECC, for $40.00 to Donna Felisberto, NECC, 100 Elliott St., Haverhill, MA 01830, if you do not want to pay online.
- Submit one payment per exam.
3. PURCHASE your CLEP Exam from College Board CLEP or Register for your DSST Exam from Prometric. Check your email for a confirmation once your form is submitted and your payment is processed. This information will include your test date and time, directions to the testing center, requirements for test day and instructions to purchase your CLEP exam or register for a DSST exam. Instructions are provided in the confirmation and listed below.
- Purchase your CLEP Exam from the College Board | CLEP. The fee for each CLEP exam is $95.00 (Effective 7/1/2025 the new CLEP exam fee will be $97.00)
- Print your CLEP Registration confirmation ticket and bring it on the day of your exam.
- Test Taker Name Change Requests
For name changes, complete, sign, and fax the name change request form along with any identification documentation (if required) to the College Board’s CLEP Services at 610‐628‐3726 or email it as an attachment to
- If you have questions about registering and purchasing your CLEP exam, you can go to the CLEO chat bot in the Help Center.
- About DSST and Registering for a DSST Exam from the DSST Prometric Site. The DSST self-funded exam is $100.00.
- Once you have successfully scheduled your exam at NECC, it is recommended that you create your testing username and password. You may create your username and password by navigating to Prometric TC Net and clicking Register Now. Select DSST Test Center 9745. Please bring your username, password and credit card with you on your day of testing.
Wait for your confirmation email to be received prior to coming to a test session. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing and scheduling. Be sure to check your spam/junk folder.
All examinees who need to reschedule or who do not arrive for their scheduled exam must complete the CLEP/DSST request form and pay the NECC registration fee to reserve a seat. If you have purchased your exam, you would not need to complete that step again.
Be sure to be aware of the date that you need to take your exam by.
Testing with Accommodations:
- Testers requesting accommodations for CLEP are required to contact the Center for Accessibility Resources & Services (CARS) at 978-556-3654 or email to arrange for accommodations well in advance of their test date.
- Testers requesting accommodations for DSST are required to go to to arrange for accommodations well in advance of their test date.
- If you have received accommodations for testing, you are required to bring the approval for accommodated testing to the proctor on test day.