What Is Credit by Credential Evaluation?
Credential Evaluation is the process of recognizing and equating to Northern Essex Community College courses, learning that has been achieved within a non-collegiate educational program of study conducted by one or more qualified instructors. Through credit by credential evaluation, students may earn credit for off-campus professional training that compares to Northern Essex Community College coursework. Credit considerations include:
- Coursework and training conducted by the military
- Business and industry
- Post-secondary schools that are not regionally accredited
- Other organizations whose primary purpose is not education
- Certifications
- Credit by Credential Evaluation through Certification Testing – Certification Chart (exam accepted at NECC)
The American Council on Education (ACE) has evaluated many non-collegiate courses. Their publications (National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs, Guide to Educational Credit by Examination, and Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services) are used by the faculty as a guide in determining equivalencies.
The Credit by Credential Evaluation Process
- Prospective and current students are eligible to earn credits through credential evaluation.
- Meet with staff to review eligibility requirements, discuss your credentials, and determine your eligibility. Identify which academic areas will be reviewing the documentation and begin to complete a Credit for Prior Learning Request form for each academic area petitioned.
- Students who apply for credit for courses are required to submit original documentation and one photocopy of satisfactory completion of all non-credit education and training programs with a Credit for Prior Learning Request form completed for each academic area petitioned and the application fee. Provide original transcripts, license, diploma, certificate, military form DD295*, or letter of verification.
- The student submits a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Application and a non-refundable $40.00 administration fee and a $50 per credit fee with his or her documentation. See the Registration Steps below.
- Upon notification of the total number of credits awarded, the student must pay a fee of $50.00 per credit awarded.
- The awarded credits are transcripted for the comparable cataloged course with a grade of “P” (Pass).
- These credits are considered transfer credits and do not contribute towards the residency credit requirements of Northern Essex Community College.