Mar 14 2025 07:53:08

Credit by Portfolio Evaluation


What Is a Learning Portfolio

A Learning Portfolio is an instrument used by students to petition to receive college credit. This student-prepared document outlines, in depth, the learning gained outside the college classroom and shows the relationship to college-level learning. The portfolio is not merely a study of accumulated knowledge, but rather an examination of learned life experiences discussed in essays and presented through publicly verifiable documentation. Students should prove to an expert in the field that they possess the claimed learning. This learning must reflect the theory upon which the specific situation, procedure, routine or skill is applied. Students must document the relationship between prior learning, the course objectives, and their degree program, and should discuss the theory acquired through their knowledge and experience.

Elements of the Learning Portfolio

The Portfolio Process

Meet with an Academic Placement & Testing Center staff member to review eligibility requirements to discuss your credentials, life learning experiences and to determine your eligibility for earning credits through Portfolio Evaluation. An adult learner may be referred to a portfolio assessor from an academic area to determine eligibility. If you are eligible, you can continue by completing a Credit for Prior Learning Application and pay the $40 administration fee and $50 per credit fee.

Complete the Steps to Putting Your Portfolio Together section of this chapter. An appropriate staff member can guide you.

Steps to Putting Your Portfolio Together

Submit two copies of your portfolio to the Academic Placement & Testing Center. One copy is returned to you at the completion of the assessment process. The second portfolio is considered an academic record for accreditation purposes therefore it cannot be returned to you. Do not include any original documents in the portfolios. An Academic Placement & Testing Center staff member will review the portfolios submitted to ensure that they contain the required sections and proper formatting. If the portfolio is adequate in all areas, it is forwarded, with a copy of your Credit through Portfolio Evaluation Form, to the appropriate academic area to be reviewed by a faculty assessor. The results are sent to you.

Receive your credits. You are notified through the mail by the Academic Placement & Testing Center of the number of credits awarded for your portfolio. Upon receipt of payment of the $50 per credit portfolio assessment fee, the credits are posted to your transcript.

Registration Steps

Registration Information Steps

  1. Complete the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Application and upload your supporting documentation.
  2. Submit your non-refundable $40.00 NECC Administration Fee and your $50 per credit fee online or by mailing it in.
    • Online: Pay through our Online payment system by credit card. Select the course and click the + in Enroll Now, click ADD TO CART, click CHECK OUT, and in I am a new user, type in your email and follow the prompts to complete the payment.
    • Mail-in: Mail in a money order, made payable to NECC, to Northern Essex Community College,100 Elliott St., Haverhill, MA  01830 Attn: Donna Felisberto.
  3. Once the form and payment are received, you will be contacted.

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