Military Evaluations
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Earn Credit for your Military Service
The Academic Placement & Testing Center has responsibility for evaluating military transcripts and relies on the American Council on Education (ACE) “Service Members Opportunity College Guide” and the ACE website, for credit recommendations. There is no fee charged for this service or the transcription of credit.
All training must be documented with an official Military Joint Services Transcript (JST)
Steps for an Evaluation of Military Transcript/JST:
Request Documentation:
- Request your Military Individual Transcript/JST (except for Air Force)
- Request a Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Transcript:
- Request Army and National Guard
- Request Marine Corps
Complete Request Form:
Complete the Military Transcript Evaluation Request Form and upload your Military JST.
The Credit for Life Learning Coordinator will receive your Military “Individual Transcript” for evaluation and posting of credit and will follow up with you and the college’s Veterans and Military Services Coordinator.
Important: The Academic Placement & Testing Center can use your “Individual Transcript” for review only. Understanding what credits will be recommended will be important during the academic advising process. The college will post credits to your official NECC transcript upon receipt of your “Institutional Transcript”. Please be advised that in some instances the Academic Placement & Testing Center will request the assistance of faculty members to review transcripts. Therefore, you should request both forms (Institutional and Individual) transcripts as early as possible.
The grade of S (Satisfactory) is assigned to all credits awarded for military training or standardized testing.
Please note that this list does not include all possible Military Educational Experiences that may be evaluated for academic credit at Northern Essex Community College.
Please contact Donna Felisberto, for further details.
Military Occupational/Course Equivalency Table
Military Occupational/Course | NECC Course Equivalency | Credits Awarded |
AF Technical Order Systems (General) | MGT 201 Principles of Management | 3 |
AR‐0709‐0065 V02; Health Care Specialist | BIO 121 Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
AR‐0709‐0065 V02; Health Care Specialist | BIO 122 Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
AR‐0709‐0065 V02; Health Care Specialist | HES 201 Healthcare Law and Ethics | 3 |
AR‐0709‐0065 V02; Health Care Specialist | HES 207 Clinical Pathophysiology | 3 |
AR‐0709‐0065 V02; Health Care Specialist | MAT 114 Math for Careers in Health Science | 3 |
AR‐0702‐0037: Structured Self Development (SSD‐11) | MGT 201 Principles of Management | 3 |
AR‐1402‐0169 Information Technology Specialist | CTN 110 Introduction to Information Technology | 3 |
AR‐1402‐0258 Human Resources Specialist | MGT 205 Human Resource Management | 3 |
AR‐1402‐0262 Information Tech. Specialist Advanced Leader | CTN 201 Computer Networks | 3 |
AR‐1403‐0017 AIT Paralegal Specialists | CRJ 202 Criminal Law | 3 |
AR‐1408‐0230 Cavalry Scout Advanced Leader | COM 111 Public Speaking | 3 |
AR‐1720‐0023 V02 Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Specialist | CHM 111 College Chemistry I | 4 |
AR‐1728‐0167 V04/Basic Military Police | CRJ 103 Modern Policing | 3 |
AR‐2201‐0399 Basic Combat Training | PED Physical Education Elective | 3 |
AR‐2201‐0552 Infantryman | PED Physical Education Elective | 3 |
AR‐2201‐0603 V4: Basic Leader | MGT 201 Principles of Management | 3 |
AR‐2202‐0022 V2 Nodal Network Systems Operator Maintainer | CTN 201 Computer Networks & CTN 222 Computer Networks II | 3/4 |
CG‐2205‐0035 V03 Recruit Training | PED Physical Education Elective | 3 |
Emergency Medical Technician Basic | EMT 101 Emergency Medical Technician | 7 |
Introduction to Teaching and Learning | EDU 101 Introduction to Teaching | 3 |
Managerial Communications I | BUS 105 Managerial Business Communications | 3 |
MC‐0327‐0001 Basic Recruiter | COM 111 Public Speaking | 3 |
MC‐1402‐0094 Data Systems Technician | CTN 110 Introduction to Information Technology | 3 |
MC‐1402‐0094 Data Systems Technician | CTN 201 Computer Networks | 3 |
MC‐2204‐0088 Recruit Training | PED Physical Education Elective | 3 |
NER‐MMN‐001 Machinist’s Mate (Nuclear) | CIS110 Computer Applications | 3 |
NER‐OS‐004 Operations Specialist | CIS110 Computer Applications | 3 |
NER‐UT‐005 Utilitiesman | CIS110 Computer Applications | 3 |
NV‐1714‐0126 | CTE103 Digital Design Lab | 1 |
NV‐2202‐0165 Recruit Training | PED 162 Foundations of Health & Fitness | 3 |
Transfer of Credit to Four-Year Institutions
The policies governing the acceptance of credit awarded for military experience toward satisfying degree requirements vary among the degree-recommending colleges. Your credits will count toward your Northern Essex Community College degree/certificate. If you plan to transfer, the college to which you transfer may perform its own evaluation of your military credentials.
Other Helpful Sites for Military Personnel & Veterans
Northern Essex Community College Veteran and Military Services
Guide to Online Colleges for Military Personnel and Veteran’s
LPN Training & Financial Aid for Veterans and Military Service Members
More Information:
For more details contact:
- Donna Felisberto, Coordinator, Academic Placement, Credit for Prior Learning, and Testing Services
- NECC Veteran’s and Military Services Office
helpful links

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