Mar 27 2025 06:26:22

Center for Adult Academic Pathways

It is an exciting time for community college students in Massachusetts. Governor Maura Healey recently announced the proposed MassReconnect program, which would cover the full cost of a community college degree for adult learners at least 25 years old, and the state legislature is considering other proposals that would expand financial support for students even further.

Even while the Healey Administration and legislature work through the FY24 state budget process, the NECC Center for Adult Academic Pathways already welcomes you to begin (or complete) your degree, and we have resources available to help!

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Currently Offered at Northern Essex

Please explore NECC options available NOW to adult learners:

Credit for Prior Learning

Through work experience, military service, professional certifications, subject matter expertise and more, you can earn credit applied to a Northern Essex certificate or degree, saving you time and money!

Flexible Schedules

NECC offers SEVEN start dates throughout the year for our degree and certificate programs. Courses are available in-person, hybrid, or online. And many in-person classes are offered evenings. 15 programs are available fully online, or 80% online, with many more in the pipeline.

Competency-Based Education (CBE)

We are proud to offer a selection of individual courses – in addition to certificate and degree programs in Early Childhood Education – that are project-focused, based on industry needs designed to leverage your particular set of skills to learn at a pace that works for you. Flexible schedules and a learning coach will help keep you on track.

MassHire Merrimack Valley

A strategic partner located on NECC’s Lawrence campus, MassHire offers “a path to training” into NECC’s certificate or degree programs.

Community Education

Business Skills and Professional Development, Computer Skills, On-Demand Online Career Training, and Occupational Training and Development are just a selection of the programs we offer to help you up-level your job or career.

Center for Adult Education

We offer FREE programs including English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in reading, writing, oral communication, and grammar incorporating basic computer skills, math, and Career Ready 101 skills. Our GED/HiSET programs can help prepare you for college. Our Transition to College program offers college success and computer courses to help you start here at NECC.


We’ll help you prepare skills in-demand by Massachusetts employers! FREE training in the basics of accounting, QuickBooks, math, computers, civics, and more is offered, with an ESOL focus if needed.

PIÉS Latinos de NECC

Programa Internacional de Educación Superior (PIÉS) Latinos de NECC le puede ayudar si es un profesional extranjero que completó o ha iniciado sus estudios fuera de los Estados Unidos y le gustaría continuar su carrera.

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