SPRING 2025 Honors Courses
Note: ANY interested student may enroll in Honors Courses (EXCEPT the Honors Seminar) regardless of your GPA, if you are prepared to do so!
What makes an Honors section different from a regular section? Honors courses are NOT “more work” or “harder.” They are DIFFERENT! Honors courses ask students to work on individual projects and present them to the class as part of the class learning experience. They also include an experiential component, such as a field trip, or they may invite guest lecturers to the classroom. Honors courses are small and seminar-style discussions are encouraged. Any student can be an Honors student!
Honors Seminar (HON200-HON 1388)
The Merrimack Valley
This course will examine the history and development of the Merrimack Valley in northeastern Massachusetts over the past several centuries. Topics will include but are not limited to: geographical formations, the indigenous population, discovery and exploration, agricultural and industrial development, immigration, changing economies, tourism, contemporary affairs and more. Field trips and guest presenters will also be utilized. The Honors Seminar is required to graduate as a CHP Scholar. Free/Liberal Arts/Humanities elective. GPA 3.2+ required.
Haverhill T/R 12:30-1:45 pm Rich Padova (History)
Honors English Composition II (ENG101-HON 1485)
Fully Online! Instructor: Trish Portanova
Honors Anatomy and Physiology II (BIO122-LHN 1520)
Hybrid Lawrence W 3:00-4:40 pm Instructor: Maria Carles
Honors Statistics (MAT125-HON 1261)
Haverhill T/R 8:00-10:00 am Instructor: Rachel King
Honors American Literature II (LIT202-HON 1537)
Hybrid Haverhill T 9:30-10:45 am Instructor: Barbara Stachniewicz
Honors Introduction to Sociology (SOC101-HON 1538)
Hybrid Haverhill T 1:00-3:05 pm Instructor: Sheila Pierre
Honors General Chemistry I (CHM121-LHN 1444)
Lawrence M/W 11:00 am-1:30 pm Instructor: Pam Hallock
Honors Introduction to Liberal Art (HUM102-HON 1536)
Hybrid Haverhill R 12:30-1:45 pm Instructor: Kim Lyng
Honors Public Speaking (COM111-HON 1534)
Haverhill M/W 9:30-10:45 am Instructor: Brianne Beatrice
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