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Their Stories and messages!
Pascale Percy, a Business Transfer student, shares her incredible story of self-transformation, moving from a warehouse job to working in a financial institution. Since enrolling at NECC, she has shared her educational success with others and communicated that education was the answer to achieving her dreams. She is accompanied on the panel by Jessica Newey, Sarah Pachano, Jose Rodriguez, Sean Sullivan.
Iseline Mendoza presented a moving speech about her journey and the power of creating a plan and persevering.
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
WELL BEINGS is a major national campaign from WETA addressing health needs in America, focusing on youth mental health.
Iseline Mendoza, a recent graduate of Northern Essex Community College in Massachusetts, participated in this critical discussion. She graduated with honors as an Accounting Major and served as the Student Government Association President.
Jeurys Santiago, a Lawrence resident who is a junior transfer student majoring in business at UMass Lowell, recently received the scholarship — to be paid in annual $5,000 installments over three years — to further his education. He said he plans to use the money to help others through a business he founded two years ago called Minds With Purpose.
Daniel Keating presented a video to showcase how NECC has helped students achieve their academic and career goals.
View video on the NECC YouTube Channel.
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Center for Business and Accounting