International Virtual Exchange
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- American Sign Language Studies
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- Computer & Information Science
- Criminal Justice
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- General Studies
- Health
- Business Management: Healthcare Practice
- Community Health Worker Certificate
- Dental Assisting – Day
- Dental Assisting – Evening
- Exercise Science
- General Studies: Health Specialization
- Healthcare Technician
- Medical Assistant – Day
- Medical Billing and Coding Certificate
- Medical Assistant – Evening
- Medical Office Assistant
- Nursing Associate Degree
- Nursing Advanced Placement: LPN to ADN
- Paramedic Technology (Associate Degree)
- Paramedic Technology Certificate
- Practical Nursing
- Public Health
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care
- Sleep Technologist
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- Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services
- Center for Accessibility Resources & Services
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International Virtual Exchange
Mission and Vision
NECC faculty’s vision of internationalizing curriculum has found a new home! International Virtual Exchange (IVE) has allowed students and faculty to bring the world directly into the classroom. While conserving the integrity of their curriculum, faculty are able to implement high impact practices directly in their classrooms. Students experience 21st century workplace dynamics while collaborating with peers across the world in an interdisciplinary curriculum.
Interested to join the IVE list of faculty offering internationalization in their courses?
Fill out our Application of Intent and take the next step of bringing an experiential project into your curriculum.
A message to future IVE faculty and a thank you to Melba Acevedo!

Sheila Muller
Assistant Professor and Chair of the Business Department-Division of Business and Professional Studies (BPS)
IVE Faculty Fellow

Habib Maagoul
Professor and Chair of the Mathematics Department-Division of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM)

Emily Gonzalez
Professor of Science-Division of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM)

Lisette Espinoza
Professor of English-Division of Liberal Arts

Judi Ciampi
Professor of Business-Division of Business and Professional Studies (BPS)

Liliana Brand
Professor of Math-Division of Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM)
Gazelle International-CLICK (Collaborative Learning for International Capabilities and Knowledge)
Gazelle International, a registered, non-profit organization, starts with the premise that the world is undergoing tectonic shifts with globalization and technology. We partner with innovative higher education leaders — Presidents, Provosts, Deans and others who are ready to tackle the challenges created by these shifts and to discover new ways to advance their missions.
Universite de Lorraine
Institut Universitaires de Technologie (IUT) Sceaux – Paris Saclay University
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) connects students and professors in different countries for collaborative projects and discussions as part of their coursework. COIL Collaborations between students and professors provide meaningful, significant opportunities for global experiences built into programs of study. COIL enhances intercultural student team focused interaction through proven approaches to meaningful online and virtual engagement, while providing universities with a cost-effective way to ensure that their students are globally engaged.
AMPEI–PIC US/Mexico/Canada
AMPEI-Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional (The Mexican Association for International Education)
Fellowships and Scholarships
Community College Global Affairs Fellowship
Global Internship Conference (GIC) Student Challenge
NAFSA-Association of International Educators (formerly known as NASFA)
Association of International Educators is the world’s largest and most diverse nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange, working to advance policies and practices that ensure a more interconnected, peaceful world today and for generations to come.
CCID-Community Colleges for International Development
Community Colleges for International Development engages and empowers an international association of community, technical, and vocational institutions to create globally engaged learning environments.
IVEC-International Virtual Exchange Conference
Virtual Exchange (also known as Collaborative Online International Learning – COIL, Globally Networked Learning, or Telecollaboration) extends authentic opportunities for intercultural and transnational learning to students within the curriculum of college and university classrooms. Through co-developed and co-taught modules, Virtual Exchange supports the development of 21st-century workforce skills and provides opportunities for applied learning experiences.
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International Virtual Exchange