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Get Ready for Fall Registration 🍂

Fall classes begin September 3, 2025.

View Fall Courses
Learn About Summer Courses ☀️

7 Convenient Start Dates, 10 Flexible Terms

We like to make it super easy for you to enroll with seven start dates throughout the year!

3 week terms are the most intensive. 15 week terms are traditional college semesters.

  • early January (3 weeks)
  • late January (15 weeks or 7 weeks)
  • mid March (7 weeks)
  • late May (12 weeks or 6 weeks)
  • late June (6 weeks)
  • early September (15 weeks or 7 weeks)
  • late October (7 weeks)

Register Early for Your First Choice of Classes

How to Register

I am a current NECC Student

As a current student there are 3 steps needed to complete registration:

  1. Planning your courses
  2. Reviewing with your advisor
  3. Registering online
    *please note that students on Academic Probation will not be eligible to register online and should contact their Advisor.

Registration Notes

  1. Please review your NECC student e-mail for instruction on advising and registration.
  2. If you have more advising questions, make an appointment in Navigate with your Advisor.
  3. If you do not have an Advisor listed please contact your Academic Center for Advising assistance.
I am a new NECC Student

We offer a wide array of programs that help you develop important skills that will support long-term success in both your life and your career.  With 60 + unique undergraduate majors to choose from, there is sure to be an area of study that is right for you at Northern Essex Community College.

Let us help you navigate your way through the college. We can answer any questions you have – email

Complete Enrollment Steps
I previously took a class at NECC

I previously took a class at NECC and want to come back to take more classes.

    • Contact NECC at 978-556-3700
    • You will be readmitted to NECC, which will allow you to register for classes
    • If you need to speak with an Advisor after you have been readmitted, contact or make an appointment with Academic Advising.

Don’t See Yourself in the Descriptions Above?

If you are an Early College (Dual Enrollment) Student, a NECCUM student, here to take one or two classes but not pursue a degree, or are interested in Community Education Classes see registration instructions below.

Interested in Early College (Dual Enrollment) classes

If you are a high school student interested in taking courses at NECC please email to request an application. Include your full name, year in high school, and high school name in the email. Once your application and assessment are complete the PK12 will work with you to register you for courses.

If you are a current high school student enrolled at NECC (you took classes in Fall 2020) please email Include your full name, year in high school, and high school name in the email. Additionally, answer the following questions: 1. Are you taking courses at NECC for both college and high school credit (dual enrollment)? What courses are you thinking of taking?

Instructions to Register

It all starts with emailing

The PK12 staff will work with you to determine what type of courses you high school enrolls students into and then we will work with you to either register you OR connect you to an academic advisor at NECC who can help you determine the best courses to take.

A NECCUM Student

If you are an NECC student who would like to take a course at one of our NECCUM Partner Colleges – UMass Lowell, Merrimack College, Salem State University, Regis College, Cambridge College, Endicott College, Montserrat College of Art, Gordon College, Middlesex Community College or North Shore Community College.

If you are a student from one of the colleges listed above and would like to take a course at NECC to complete degree requirements at your home college or just take an interesting course for fun! Tell your advisor you are interested in taking a course at one of our NECCUM partner colleges and they will begin the registration paperwork for you and send you a link to confirm that you wish to register for the course listed. Once you have confirmed, we’ll take it from there!

Instructions to Register

If you are a NECC student

Tell your advisor you are interested in taking a course at one of our NECCUM partner colleges and they will begin the registration paperwork for you and send you a link to confirm that you wish to register for the course listed. Once you have confirmed, we’ll take it from there!

If you are a visiting student

Please email the NECC Registrar  with the information of the course you are interested in registering for and she will help you get the process started.

Here to take a class

If you are interested in signing up for one or two classes but not interested in pursuing a degree at NECC, please check out our Course Search tool and submit the Non NECC registration form:

Non NECC Student Registration Form

Once approved and registered you will receive a confirmation email.  If you have questions please call an Enrollment Services Specialist at 978-556-3700.

Interested in Community Education Classes

If you are interested in taking one of our many Community Education classes, please follow the instructions below.

Instructions to Register

Please call 978-556-3060 or email to register for Community Education classes.

Payment Options

All tuition and fee payments are made to the Student Accounts Office. View information about making payments and payment options.

Financial Aid

Review the Financial Aid FAQs, and Financial Aid Dates and Deadlines

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