Location & FAQs for the High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing HiSET & GED
High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Location Information
Haverhill Campus, Technology Center, Room TC-122, Check-in window.
Located at Exit 111 off Route 495 at Elliott Street in Haverhill. Major roadways connecting with Route 495 are Route 93 from the south and Route 95 from the north. From Route 495 North, take exit 111 and turn left. The entrance to the campus is on the left, immediately after the on-ramp to 495 North. From Route 495 South, take Exit 111 and turn right. The entrance to the campus is on the left. Haverhill Campus Map
HiSET Check-in Information
On test day, you should bring:
- Valid, acceptable ID
- A copy of your appointment confirmation page (optional)
- Layered clothing that will allow you to adapt to a range of room temperatures
- Payment for the test center administration fee (if applicable)
- Your state or jurisdiction may require you to bring different things. For more information, contact your test center or review your state or jurisdiction requirements.
View the Identification (ID) Requirements for the HiSET exam. Some states or jurisdictions have their ID requirements, too, so be sure to review your Requirements by State or Jurisdiction. If you have any questions, check with your test center.
What are examples of acceptable primary ID documents for admission to a test center?
- Passport
- Government-issued driver’s license or temporary license
- State ID card (including those issued by the motor vehicle agencies)
- National ID card
- Military ID card
GED Check-in Information
You will need to check with your state for specific requirements in terms of what to bring to the testing center. You will be given an erasable note-board and can use a handheld TI-30XS Multiview Scientific Calculator on the Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies test subjects. Massachusetts DOES NOT allow test-takers to bring in their own Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator. Test-takers must use the on-screen calculator, or the test center may provide a handheld TI-30XS calculator.
Cell phones are strictly forbidden in the testing room. Other personal items (such as handbags, backpacks, wallets, keys, etc.) are not allowed in the testing room. Storage is available.:
Make sure you know where the testing center is and arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled GED® test appointment. You will need to check in when you get there. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, you may not be admitted and may lose your test fee.
Additional Information
For additional information contact us:
Donna Felisberto, High School Equivalency (HSE) Chief Examiner and Coordinator of Academic Placement, Credit for Prior Learning & Testing Services at dfelisberto@necc.mass.edu
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