Mar 13 2025 17:53:27

Book Vouchers

Use Excess Financial Aid to Purchase Textbooks and Supplies at the NECC Bookstore

NECC allows students to use excess financial aid, after tuition and fees, to purchase their textbooks and supplies at the NECC Bookstore with proper authorization*.  If the student’s financial aid, after subtracting the costs of tuition and fees, creates a credit on the student’s account, the student will be allowed to charge the purchase of their books and other educational supplies against that credit.

A standard amount of $150 per course is allowed, but if the student confirms that books for his/her course costs more and if the student has sufficient credit, the amount of the voucher can be increased by the financial aid office. Any books and other educational supplies purchased will be charged to their student account and paid once financial aid disburses.

Eligible students will receive an email via their NECC email account instructing them to use their voucher.

Book Voucher Availability

Fall 2024


Submit Documentation By the Deadline

Submit All Documentation By the Deadline

Important To be eligible for a Book Voucher, you must submit all Financial Aid Documentation by the appropriate deadline and have a financial aid award. Students who submit documentation later than the deadline will not be guaranteed a voucher and should plan to self-pay for books.

Authorize NECC to issue a Book Voucher

Authorize NECC to issue a Book Voucher

*You must authorize NECC to issue you a Book Voucher from your excess aid. Please follow these instructions:

  1. Click on myNECC and Log in to the Portal.
  2. Click on the blue Financial Aid Awards icon.
  3. Under the Award Year on the top right, choose the appropriate aid year. 
  4. Click on Resources Tab.
  5. Click the tab and either Accept (you can use your
    voucher) or Decline (you don’t want a voucher) the authorizations and submit.



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