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The NECC Knight with 8 NECC students eligible to apply for the Knight’s First-Year Scholarship.

First Year Knight’s Scholarship Award

The NECC Knight’s First-Year Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship, which is split over two semesters ($500 for fall/$500 for spring).

The number of awards available vary. 


  • Applicants must be admitted to Northern Essex Community College for Fall 2025
  • No GPA requirement to apply. Must earn a 2.5 GPA or above fall semester to receive funds spring semester
  • Thank you note must be written prior to scholarship being awarded
  • A degree seeking student intending to complete their Certificate and/or Associate Degree at NECC
  • Must enroll in 6 or more credits in each fall and spring semester
  • A letter of recommendation from a coach, teacher, spiritual advisor, employer, etc. is required

(All student types: high school seniors, including those who have or are enrolled in Early College or Dual Enrolled courses, GED recipients, transfer students, veterans, and adult learners are welcome to apply.)


The Scholarship applications is available online. You will be notified through your NECC email if you have received a scholarship by early July.




For more information, please contact the Admission Office at

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