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Northern Essex Community College is required by federal debt collection and consumer protection laws to be transparent with policies, procedures, and requirements. In order to ensure that the consumer/student is aware of our institution’s policies, Northern Essex Community College is requiring that all students, on an annual basis, accept the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (SFRA).

What is the SFRA and how do I complete it?
The SFRA is a mandatory agreement that all students must complete. The agreement outlines financial obligations, procedures and policies for the student.
What if I don’t complete it?
If you do not accept the SFRA, you will be unable to register for any classes during that year.
How often do I need to complete it?
The SFRA must be completed annually, or if changes to the current agreement are mandated. Annually equates to once per academic year (i.e., Fall 2025-Summer 2026).
What if someone else is responsible for paying the balance (i.e., third party, employer)?
All students are ultimately responsible for their student account, including any unpaid balances should the third-party fail to make payments. Also, students may accrue charges on their student account which may not be covered by a third party. Therefore, completing the SFRA is the student’s responsibility.
Why do I need to fill out the agreement if my tuition and applicable fees are covered by financial aid, the college or outside sources?
Financial Aid awards are contingent on a student’s enrollment and attendance in each course. If you drop or withdraw from any course before completion, your financial aid eligibility may decrease. In this instance, students are financially responsible for any remaining balance, and therefore, must accept the SFRA.
Once I complete the agreement, how long until I can register?
Once the agreement is signed, the student will be able to register within a few minutes. Please note that the form is case sensitive.
Where can I read the full agreement?
The full agreement may be found here.
If I have additional questions about the form, who can I contact?
Please contact the Office of Student Accounts if you have any questions – 978-556-3900.

Got questions?

Mailing Address:

Student Accounts
Behrakis Student Center (SC Building)
100 Elliott Street Haverhill, MA 01830

Phone: 978-556-3900



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