PART-TIME PATHWAYS (3 to 5 years) are available for most degrees. To qualify to take college-level classes, some students may be required to take college preparation classes first.
Program Snapshot
- Specific admission required, in person meeting with Program Coordinator
- HUS101 Intro to Human Services is the only course that can be taken by any student
- Practicum I registration must be accompanied by payment for a CORI check-CORI valid 1 calendar year
- Students working for an accepted program serving Intellectual and Other Disabilities may take courses for only $50/course: Please check with Lisa Fabbri Lopez for eligibility
- Majority of courses daytime in Haverhill, limited evenings in Lawrence, some Saturday courses in Haverhill
- Students randomly placed in practicums by program faculty
- Learn more about the Direct Support Certificate
Helpful Hints
- All 22 credits earned may be applied to the Associates Degree in Human Services if desired
- A grade of C- or better is required for all HUS courses, a grade of C or better is required for the many General Education courses (example PSY 101 and ENG 101) that are required in this certificate
- Students whose desire it is to complete the Associate Degree and transfer must earn grades of “C” or better in all courses
- Courses are listed in suggested order to be taken, however Part-Time students may choose to take courses out of order with permission of Program Coordinator.
- Several HUS courses include prerequisites or may be taken concurrently as co-requisites
- NECC enjoys several transfer opportunities, for the AS in Human Services, to 4-year programs in both Human Services and Social Work
- Social Works Programs will only accept clinical courses such as Group Dynamics and Practicum as electives.
Milestone Courses
Milestone courses are the most important for success in the program, should be taken in the sequence shown, and may require certain grades or other outcomes for your continued progress toward graduation. They may also cover most, or all the six core skills required for graduation.
You are encouraged to use this pathway checklist with an advisor as a worksheet when planning your progress toward a degree or certificate. This checklist is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements.