PART-TIME PATHWAYS (3 to 5 years) are available for most degrees. To qualify to take college-level classes, some students may be required to take college preparation classes first.
Program Snapshot
- Program prepares you for employment after graduation or for transfer to a 4-year school
- Over 90% of Lab Science graduates are either working in a science field or have transferred to a 4-year school
- Students entering the program do NOT need a science background to succeed
- Graduate with a GPA of 3.5 or better and take the additional course listed in the agreement and you will be accepted into the Clinical Sciences program at UMass-Lowell as a Junior
- Provides valuable hands-on experience in the lab
- You get to do an off-site externship over the summer for real-world experience
- Program starts in Fall only
- All classes held on Haverhill campus during the day
Helpful Hints
- If transferring to UML, you will need to take classes over the summer to finish in two years. Speak with an advisor early regardless of what your transfer plans are.
- If you are starting classes in the spring or summer, an introductory chemistry course can be helpful.
- Taking courses over the summer lightens the load during Fall and Spring.
- Lab Science courses are only offered once a year so they must be taken in order.
- A grade of “C” or better is required in all Lab Science courses in order to continue to the next semester.
- Many science classes have prerequisites before you can enroll in those classes, so plan ahead.
Milestone Courses
Milestone courses are the most important for success in the program, should be taken in the sequence shown, and may require certain grades or other outcomes for your continued progress toward graduation. They may also cover most, or all the six core skills required for graduation.
You are encouraged to use this pathway checklist with an advisor as a worksheet when planning your progress toward a degree or certificate. This checklist is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements.