Mar 14 2025 06:13:54


NECC Bookstore

Textbooks, Course Materials, Apparel & Gifts, Snacks

We have everything you are looking for including textbooks, books, NECC apparel, t-shirts, gifts, supplies, fan gear, and more!

NECC Bookstore
Hours & Locations

Christmas Eve Closes at 1:00PM 


REOPEN - January 2nd 

Mon-Thu: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fri: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: we close when the college is closed (holidays, breaks, inclement weather) but our website is always open!

Haverhill Campus

Behrakis Student Center - 2nd Floor
100 Elliott Street
Haverhill, MA 01830

Lawrence Campus

45 Franklin Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
Rented Book Return ONLY

Parking Info

NECC requires a parking decal to park in many of our parking lots. Visitors must park in Visitor or Free parking lots. View maps for Visitor and free parking.

Parking for students in Lawrence is available in the three parking lots located on Common Street. One parking lot is in the fenced lot at the Dimitry Building, another open lot across the street from the Dimitry Building, and a third parking lot across the street from the El Hefni Building.

In Haverhill Students may  park across from the Behrakis Student Center or in any lot on campus with a valid NECC hangtag. Permit parking is available across from the Behrakis Student Center (SC Building), across from the Spurk (C building), and in front of the Hartleb Technology (TC) Center and behind the Bentley Library (A Building). Parking for students is marked on the map with a “PP” icon. Learn more about parking here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order books?

Order online at

    • Click on Textbooks
    • Select term
    • Select courses from the dropdown menu
    • Choose your books and add to bag
    • Checkout

How do I know what books to buy?

Your instructor’s syllabus is the best source of information about your course materials.

The bookstore website shows you the books and materials that your instructor asked us to provide.

How do I know what books to buy?

Financial aid funds can be used to make purchases at the bookstore. You will need to enter your student ID number after selecting Financial Aid/Scholarship as the payment method. Please check with the Financial Aid office at 556-3700 if you have questions about availability of funds.

The bookstore also accepts credit/debit cards.

If you have third parties such as the VA or Mass Rehab vouchers, please contact the bookstore for more information.

Can I rent books?

Yes, most books can be rented for the semester. A rental account must be created and secured with a credit card for collateral. Follow the directions on the website.

Rented books must be returned to the Haverhill bookstore in the Student Center, or at the drop off slot in the door of Room L026, Dimitri building, 45 Franklin St., Lawence campus. Rented books are due on the last day of final exams. Do not return rented books to the library.

Can I buy school supplies, clothing, and gifts online?

Yes, many items can be ordered, including tech items, NECC clothing, and gifts. Financial aid funds can be used to purchase anything in the bookstore.

What are Follett ACCESS courses?

ACCESS course materials are included in your course registration fees. Follett ACCESS delivers courseware and electronic textbooks to students at a lower cost than buying materials. If you see that your course is marked for ACCESS, read the syllabus and other preliminary information or ask your instructor for more details on the process of obtaining the course materials. Do not try to purchase materials marked as Follett ACCESS. Always check with your instructor before you try to use ACCESS materials.

Any other tips?

Always use your college email address when you are on the bookstore website or communicating with the bookstore.

Have your student ID handy when shopping online or visiting the store.

If you are having difficulty with logging into the bookstore site, please contact the bookstore directly.

If you are having difficulty accessing your online platform materials, please inform your professor and they can contact the online platform representative for that course.

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