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Students working in a computer lab.

Walk-In Computer Labs

Computer labs are located within each campus’s library. Academic Technology specialists staff them, and they support students with Blackboard and Microsoft Office, help with printing and scanning, and answer other general computer and technology questions.


A-330 Haverhill Campus, Bentley Library
L-149 Lawrence Campus Library, Dimitry Building,

Computer Labs Feature:

  • PC and Mac workstations
  • printers
  • Scanning & copying
  • Lending laptops & graphing calculators

NECC Computing Guidelines

  • Computer Labs may be used by current students. Students must log in at the kiosk by the helpdesk before accessing the computer lab.
  • If you do not have a NECC ID, you can obtain one at the Welcome Express Desks on both campuses. On the Haverhill campus, the Welcome Express Desk is located in the Behrakis Student Center on the first floor of the SC building. On the Lawrence campus, the Welcome Express Desk is in the lobby of the Dimitry building.
  • Students, staff, and faculty members are responsible for following all policies outlined in the Computer and Network Usage Policy. Anyone violating a computer policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Log off computers. When finished with a lab computer, please log off from the computer. 
  • The use of computers in the labs is for academic purposes only.
  • Print Responsibly. Lab printers default to double-sided printing to save paper. Please scale PowerPoints and PDFs to conserve toner and paper. If you need help scaling a document or are printing a large job, please ask the Academic Technology Assistants for help.
  • Software installation on public computers is prohibited. If you require assistance with computer applications, inform the Academic Technology Assistants monitoring the lab.

Lost and Found

  • Haverhill Library service desk A-330
  • Public Safety office on the Haverhill campus C-112 (Spurk building)
  • Public Safety office on the Lawrence campus first floor of 78 Amesbury St (LA building)

NECC is not responsible for items lost or stolen in the computer labs, so please monitor your belongings.

Online Learning Success

Academic Technology

Academic Technology assistants are available in the library during open hours to help you with college technology such as Blackboard, email, printing, and more. The guide below may help you with Blackboard and Office 365 email questions.

Virtual Assistance

The library and computer labs offer research and technology help through chat, text (978-709-1955), and virtual appointments during regular hours. Chat and text are monitored during all open hours, and librarians or academic technology assistants usually answer within minutes. If we are closed, we will get back to you during our next open hours. Virtual appointments can be booked in advance according to your schedule and allow you to get more in-depth assistance through Zoom. Search our FAQs for answers to our most commonly asked questions.

Contact the Computer Labs
The computer labs are staffed with Academic Technology Assistants who can assist students with printing, scanning, Blackboard, Microsoft Office, online document access, and other general computing questions. Students who need help with their coursework should contact their instructors or the tutoring center.

Please report any malfunction in lab equipment (computer, monitor, printer, keyboard, etc.) to the academic technology assistant.

IT Helpdesk supports Wi-Fi access, passwords, and technical issues with software or hardware on both the Haverhill and Lawrence campuses.


Academic Technology

Haverhill A-330

Jacob Quiring
Phone: 978-556-3461

Lawrence L-149

Rowan Blackwood
Phone: 978-738-7420


IT Service Desk

Phone: 978-556-3111

Haverhill A-341

Ricardo Rivera
Phone: 978-556-3742

Lawrence L-005

Bonnie Moore
Phone: 978-738-7466


Updated: 02/09/2023

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