Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
NECC is a Hispanic Serving Institution

In 2001, Northern Essex Community College, which has campuses in Haverhill and Lawrence, became the first federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) in all of New England. In 2024, the NECC student population reached 47% Hispanic – most of whom are from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
The U.S. Department of Education defines an institution of higher education as eligible for this designation if its enrollment of undergraduate, full-time equivalent students is at least 25% Hispanic at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.
In 2024, the NECC student population reached 47% Hispanic – most of whom are from the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.
Since 2001, Hispanic student enrollment at NECC has nearly doubled; the success “gap” between Hispanic students and majority students has closed considerably. The proportion of Hispanic graduates at the college tripled from 10% of the graduating class in 2001 to more than 34% in 2020.
In 2018 NECC President Lane Glenn joined the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, a coalition of higher education leaders dedicated to increasing public understanding of how immigration policies and practices impact students, campuses, and communities.
Celebrating Hispanic culture is important to Northern Essex as well. Each September and October it hosts a number of events and speakers in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.
PIÉS Latinos de NECC
Programa Internacional de Educación Superior (PIÉS) Latinos de NECC le puede ayudar si es un profesional extranjero que completó o ha iniciado sus estudios fuera de los Estados Unidos y le gustaría continuar su carrera.
NECC’s PIÉS Latinos can help foreign professionals who completed or began studies outside the United States and would like to continue their careers here in the US.
PIÉS Latinos