Giving to NECC
Your Support Makes a Difference
When you give to Northern Essex Community College, you are making a difference in our students’ lives today, and having a positive impact on our communities tomorrow.
With limited state funding, NECC relies increasingly on the support of alumni and friends to help provide our students with the best learning experience possible. With your support, we can:
- Grant scholarships that help students pay for courses and books
- Provide essential upgrades to labs and other learning environments
- Offer life-changing opportunities, such as study abroad experiences, to round out our students’ education
- And more!
We need your help, and we appreciate your support. Every gift matters, whether large or small, and every gift has an immediate – and long term – impact on our students and our communities. Please help us prepare the next generation of graduates that work in our hospitals and doctor’s offices, our schools, our courts, and our businesses.
Opportunities for Giving
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