Register or become a Sponsor of the NECC Athletics Golf Tournament today! Sponsorship support will help defray the cost of the event and benefit the NECC Athletic Program. The following list details the available sponsorship opportunities and benefits. Your support helps NECC student athletes reach their academic and athletic goals.
Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities
Knights Sponsor $5,000 (Limited to One Sponsor)
Knights Sponsor $5,000 (Limited to One Sponsor)
- Recognition on NECC Golf registration website
- Recognition on social media
- Opportunity to display banner at event
- Recognition at awards dinner — recognized as dinner sponsor.
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
- Two foursomes (Afternoon Flight) (green fees and a round of 18 holes with cart, dinner)
- Company name displayed at practice range
- Dinner at the president’s table
Gold Sponsor $2,600
Gold Sponsor $2,600
- Recognition on NECC Golf registration website
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
- Two tee sponsorships
- One foursome (Afternoon Flight) (green fees and a round of 18 holes with cart, dinner)
- Dinner for two golfers at the president’s table
Gift Sponsor $2,000
Gift Sponsor $2,000
- Recognition on website
- Company logo on golf balls distributed to golfers
Blue Sponsor $1,300
Blue Sponsor $1,300
- Recognition on NECC Golf registration website
- Company name on all printed materials
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
- Two golfers (Afternoon Flight) (green fees and a round of 18 holes with a cart, dinner)
- One tee sign
Breakfast and Registration Sponsor $1,200
Breakfast and Registration Sponsor $1,200
- Recognition on website
- Name displayed at registration area
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
Lunch Sponsor $1,000
Dinner Sponsor $1,000
- Recognition on website
- Company name displayed on each table
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
Cart Sponsor $750
Cart Sponsor $750
- Recognition on website
- Company name on all carts
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
Putting Green Sponsor $350
Putting Green Sponsor $350
- Recognition on website
- Company name/banner displayed at practice range
- Opportunity to provide item for golfer gift bags
More Information
For additional information contact:
Dan Blair, Director of Athletics
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