Mar 14 2025 18:42:02

Suicide Prevention: QPR Workshop

QPR is a workshop designed to teach people from all walks of life how to respond to someone struggling with a mental health crisis or thoughts of suicide. This training is not intended to be clinical, but rather to offer a tool that anyone can employ to prevent suicide following three clearly defined steps – Question, Persuade, Refer. 1) Question – Check in on the person and ask, “Are you thinking about suicide?”, 2) Persuade the individual to seek and accept help, and 3) Refer them to the appropriate resources.
QPR is meant to meant to offer hope to those considering suicide. The interactive, 1.5 hour training will increase attendees’ levels of confidence in addressing the stigma that surrounds mental health and suicide, enabling them to talk freely and act when necessary to save a life.

Those who complete this QPR workshop will:

This training is FREE of charge.
CEs are not being offered for this training.




Presented by:
Ashlyn Rowe, LICSW

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April 8
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Event Category:


Haverhill Campus
100 Elliott Street
Haverhill, MA 01830


Center for Professional Development
We welcome requests for sign language interpreting and other access requests (i.e. Computer Aided Real Time (CART), food allergies, etc.). Please contact the host of this event for requests, questions or event information.