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Battle of the Bands

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

It’s back!!  One of the most popular events we held the past two school years has come back! Bands that have current NECC music students and NECC music alumni have graced the stage in years past,...

Police Academy Training

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

For community awareness, the NECC Police Academy will be conducting scenario training on campus this day.

Radiologic Technology Degree Information Session

Lawrence Campus Lawrence, MA

Attend a Radiologic Technology Degree Information Session and Learn More About the Program and NECC! Learn more about the Radiologic Technology Associate Degree Get all of your questions answered. Discover career pathways. Tour the Lawrence NECC...

Police Academy Training

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

For community awareness, the NECC Police Academy will be conducting scenario training on campus this day.

NECC & MassHire All Industry Job Fair

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

NECC and MassHire All Industry Job Fair NECC students, alumni, and community members are invited to meet with Merrimack Valley area employers in various industries! Location: Technology Center (TC) Building | 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill,...

Police Academy Training

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

For community awareness, the NECC Police Academy will be conducting scenario training on campus this day.

How Artificial Intelligence Could Affect Your Career

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

Wondering how AI (Artificial Intelligence) is already being used in your future career? Join the conversation and ask questions to a panel of professionals currently working with AI in fields such as business, communication, engineering,...

Recurring Event Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

Join us for Wellness Wednesdays at Bentley Library, Haverhill campus! Relax and recharge with hot cocoa, tea, coffee, and snacks. Take a break from your studies and focus on your well-being! Play a tabletop board...