Food Truck: UTEC Breaking Barriers
Lawrence Campus Lawrence, MAUTEC confronts the social justice issue of food insecurity for the most disadvantaged and underserved members across the Merrimack Valley. Support them with buying a delicious lunch.
UTEC confronts the social justice issue of food insecurity for the most disadvantaged and underserved members across the Merrimack Valley. Support them with buying a delicious lunch.
Are you looking for tips and resources to create a resume? Have questions about updating or making your resume stronger? Join us for Zoom drop-in hours to discuss your resume questions or get guidance to...
The official launch of the Merrimack Valley Alliance for Racial Equity (MV-ARE) will be held on Tuesday, February 4 at NECC. This event will be hosted by Leaders Engaged and Activated to Drive Systems Change...
The library is excited to offer trial access to our scholarly journals through BrowZine. BrowZine allows you to browse thousands of top journals by subject, quickly review tables of contents, and download full articles, all...
Join us for Wellness Wednesdays at Bentley Library, Haverhill campus! Relax and recharge with hot cocoa, tea, coffee, and snacks. Take a break from your studies and focus on your well-being! Play a tabletop board...
How do we study this history and what do we do about it? Join us for an informative discussion with History Professor Steve Russell and Global Studies Chair Meredith Gunning. The Center for Liberal Arts...
Are you considering different majors? Interested in learning more about your career options? Join us on Wednesdays this semester for drop-in hours to explore your career interests, options, and learn about helpful career resources! ...
If a Career in Sleep Medicine Interest You, Then Attend Sleep Technology Certificate Information Session and Get Your Questions Answered NECC can prepare you for a career as a sleep technologist. Learn to diagnose sleep...
Visit us on the Haverhill Campus for an information session and a tour led by one of our admission counselors.
The College Systems Trainings are geared towards providing all employees with onboarding or refreshers on all of our most used college systems on a more consistent basis. Newly hired and seasoned employees are highly encouraged...
If a Career in Sleep Medicine Interest You, Then Attend Sleep Technology Certificate Information Session and Get Your Questions Answered NECC can prepare you for a career as a sleep technologist. Learn to diagnose sleep...
If a Career in Sleep Medicine Interest You, Then Attend Sleep Technology Certificate Information Session and Get Your Questions Answered NECC can prepare you for a career as a sleep technologist. Learn to diagnose sleep...
Attend a Radiologic Technology Degree Information Session and Learn More About the Program and NECC! Learn more about the Radiologic Technology Associate Degree Get all of your questions answered. Discover career pathways. Tour the Lawrence NECC...
Drop by the Center for Professional Development for some Coffee & Conversation with your colleagues! Haverhill C204: 2/10, 3/10, 4/14 10-11am Lawrence L233: 2/12, 3/12, 4/16 10-11am For registration and more information about our upcoming...
The College Systems Trainings are geared towards providing all employees with onboarding or refreshers on all of our most used college systems on a more consistent basis. Newly hired and seasoned employees are highly encouraged...
UTEC confronts the social justice issue of food insecurity for the most disadvantaged and underserved members across the Merrimack Valley. Support them with buying a delicious lunch.
Title IX/Human Resources is hosting a Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships Awareness Workshop that will be presented by the YWCA. All employees and students are welcomed to attend this virtual workshop. Join Zoom Meeting
Are you looking for tips and resources to create a resume? Have questions about updating or making your resume stronger? Join us for Zoom drop-in hours to discuss your resume questions or get guidance to...
Haverhill Campus
100 Elliott Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
Lawrence Campus
45 Franklin Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
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