Nominate this Year’s Student Commencement Speaker
All Campuses Haverhill, Lawrence and OnlineNominations are due March 26th at noon!
Nominations are due March 26th at noon!
Business 101 Classes and NECC are collaborating with Early College students from Whittier Vocational Technical High School to gather donated boxes of cereal through March 6th, 2025. The goal is to receive 2025 boxes of...
English Conversation Group: This casual conversation group is open to current NECC students to talk about different topics and practice our English. We will meet on Fridays at 2:00 in the Lawrence campus library (L-007...
Nominations are due March 26th at noon!
Nominations are due March 26th at noon!
Nominations are due March 26th at noon!
Drop by the Center for Professional Development for some Coffee & Conversation with your colleagues! Haverhill C204: 2/10, 3/10, 4/14 10-11am Lawrence L233: 2/12, 3/12, 4/16 10-11am For registration and more information about our upcoming...
Celebrate Free Speech, Free Press, and the Freedom of Information! Join us for a conversation about Sunshine Week, National Freedom of Information Day, and journalism with NECC librarians and Journalism Professor Mary Jo Shafer in...
NECC faculty and staff are invited and encouraged to attend and participate.
Nominations are due March 26th at noon!
The College Systems Trainings are geared towards providing all employees with onboarding or refreshers on all of our most used college systems on a more consistent basis. Newly hired and seasoned employees are highly encouraged...
Be part of the diverse and dynamic student body via on-campus, hybrid, and online modalities at Regis College
The 4 Campuses of UMass System Mini Transfer Fair at NECC. Explore the different opportunities of each Campus. Amherst-Boston-Darmouth-Lowell
Please join us for an Open House in the Observer Newsroom on Tuesday, March 11th from 11:00 - 1:00 pm in Spurk C318. Learn where the news is made! Meet the team and share...
UTEC confronts the social justice issue of food insecurity for the most disadvantaged and underserved members across the Merrimack Valley. Support them with buying a delicious lunch.
Title IX/Human Resources is hosting a Selfcare & Coping Skills Workshop that will be presented by the YWCA. All employees and students are welcomed to attend this virtual workshop. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting...
Are you looking for tips and resources to create a resume? Have questions about updating or making your resume stronger? Join us for Zoom drop-in hours to discuss your resume questions or get guidance to...
In this interactive workshop, faculty across disciplines—science, math, social sciences, and beyond—will explore practical, research-based strategies to empower and support English language learners in their classrooms. Tailored for educators in all subject areas, this session...
Recruitment counselors available every Tuesday to assist with FAFSA, guided self-placement and orientation
Haverhill Campus
100 Elliott Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
Lawrence Campus
45 Franklin Street
Lawrence, MA 01840
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