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Observer Newsroom Open House

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

Please join us for an Open House in the Observer Newsroom on Tuesday, March 11th from 11:00 - 1:00 pm in Spurk C318.   Learn where the news is made!  Meet the team and share...

Title IX/YWCA Workshop – Selfcare & Coping Skills


Title IX/Human Resources is hosting a Selfcare & Coping Skills Workshop that will be presented by the YWCA. All employees and students are welcomed to attend this virtual workshop.    Join Zoom Meeting Meeting...

Workshop: Power Standards for Language Acquisition & Support Strategies

All Campuses Haverhill, Lawrence and Online

In this interactive workshop, faculty across disciplines—science, math, social sciences, and beyond—will explore practical, research-based strategies to empower and support English language learners in their classrooms. Tailored for educators in all subject areas, this session...

Mini Transfer Fair

Transfer Event: Featuring Merrimack College, SNHU, St. Anselm College, UMass Lowell Graduate, Online & Professional Studies, and Quincy College~ It is never to think about Transfer!

Strategic Plan: Academic Innovations Open Forum

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

We have passed the half-way point in our current Strategic Plan! Over the past 2.5 years, an enormous amount of work has gone on across campus to support our 5 strategic goals. The Guiding Coalitions...

Spring Break Bloom Bar

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

Spring Break Bloom Bar: Mason Jar Flower Arranging Fun at the NECC Library! Spring Break is here, and it’s time to get flower-fabulous! Create your unique bouquet to brighten your office desk with fresh, springy...

Spring Break Bloom Bar

Lawrence Campus Lawrence, MA

Spring Break Bloom Bar: Mason Jar Flower Arranging Fun at the NECC Library! Spring Break is here, and it’s time to get flower-fabulous! Create your unique bouquet to brighten your office desk with fresh, springy...

35th Annual TASS Conference

Off-Campus MA

A forum for faculty, staff, student support personnel, administrators and others who help under-prepared students succeed in college and beyond.