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PTK logo Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) recognizes the academic achievement of community college students and provides opportunities for its members to grow as scholars and leaders.

Established in 1918, Phi Theta Kappa was recognized as the official honor society for two-year colleges in 1929. The Beta Sigma Lambda chapter at NECC was chartered in 2010.

PTK Events

PTK Events

Women’s History Month Book Display

All Campuses Haverhill, Lawrence and Online

Stop by, get inspired, and check out a book to honor women's past, present, and future impact on the world!

Workshop: Power Standards for Language Acquisition & Support Strategies

All Campuses Haverhill, Lawrence and Online

In this interactive workshop, faculty across disciplines—science, math, social sciences, and beyond—will explore practical, research-based strategies to empower and support English language learners in their classrooms. Tailored for educators in all subject areas, this session...

Mini Transfer Fair in Spurk Building C

Transfer Event: Featuring Merrimack College, SNHU, St. Anselm College, UMass Lowell Graduate, Online & Professional Studies, and Quincy College~ It is never to think about Transfer!

Recurring Event Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

Join us for Wellness Wednesdays at Bentley Library, Haverhill campus! Relax and recharge with hot cocoa, tea, coffee, and snacks. Take a break from your studies and focus on your well-being! Play a tabletop board...

Strategic Plan: Academic Innovations Open Forum

Haverhill Campus 100 Elliott Street, Haverhill, MA

We have passed the half-way point in our current Strategic Plan! Over the past 2.5 years, an enormous amount of work has gone on across campus to support our 5 strategic goals. The Guiding Coalitions...

PTK News

PTK News



There are many scholarships available exclusively to PTK members. Learn More


Mark Reinhold
PTK Faculty Coordinator
Professor of Earth Science 
Science Building, E259

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