Mar 13 2025 05:54:56


About the NECC Fund 

NECC’s annual giving effort, the NECC Fund, provides critical support to the college’s areas of greatest need. Gifts to the fund are unrestricted, meaning they can be spent immediately and benefit a range of resources and programs that are crucial to the success of our students, faculty, and staff. Historically, the NECC Fund has offered substantial support to some of the following areas:

Whether you are a graduate or friend, you can make a profound difference through a gift of any amount to NECC. Click here to make a gift now.

Recurring Gifts

In addition to standard giving options, our secure online giving page also allows donors to set up recurring gifts. Recurring gifts are manageable automatic payment installments made on your schedule. By contributing to the college on a monthly or annual basis, you can ensure that your gift will have a sustainable long-term impact on NECC and its students. 

NECC Loyalty Giving Society 

The NECC Loyalty Giving Society was established to honor and recognize motivated individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to supporting NECC through consistent annual contributions.

Anyone who has donated to the NECC Fund for five consecutive years or more is automatically considered a member of the Loyalty Giving Society. Membership is sustained as long as gifts are made to the NECC Fund every fiscal year, without exception. 

Membership benefits include:

NECC Annual Giving Snapshot:

A nationwide network of support 

Northern Essex’s influence extends far beyond its local community. Our NECC Fund donors represent an average of 15 to 25 states each year. The 2024 fiscal year garnered support from donors in California, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Washington, and beyond! 

Alumni pay it forward 

On average, nearly 60 percent of  all donations to the NECC Fund come from graduates of NECC, spanning nearly every generation. 

Interested in learning more about annual giving? Contact us at 

Loyalty Society Members

Allan D. Hislop
Allen W. Drelick
Allison Dolan-Wilson
Allison Gouveia
Amy P. Callahan
Andrea R. McMahon
Ann M. Coughlin
Ann M. Mclaughlin
Anna M. Anderson
Arthur P. Apostolou
Barbara F. Vinciguerra
Benjamin A. Cray
Beverly A. Heald-Sager
Brian R. Aldrich
Candice A. Pechilis
Carleton L. Beal
Carol A. Morrissey
Carol D. Wallace
Caroline J. Matterson
Catherine H. Pirri
Cathy G. Lavery
Cheryl A. Goodwin
Christopher P. Capano
Daniel J. Svenconis
David B. Kelley
David F. Donavel
Debra A. LaValley
Demetra A. Raftell
Denis Boucher
Diane E. Gori
Donna M. Pellerin
Douglas A. Riley
Eric S. LaPointe
George J. Mileon
James A. Ciardello
James D. Meehan
James Leduc
James M. MacLaughlan
James R. Kerry
Janice L. Rogers
Jason Stephens
Jeannine T. Press
Jo A. Landers
Joan Scionti
John J. San Antonio
Judith A. Tarquinio
Judy Menasian
Karen E. Fowler
Kathleen M. Jensen
Kathleen M. Vesey
Kevin R. Woelfel
Lance Hidy
Lane A. Glenn
Linda A. Desjardins
Linda J. Murphy
Lindsay Graham
Lisa Torrisi
Lori A. Smerdon
Lorna J. Davidson-Connelly
Lorraine G. Proposki
Louise J. Gorman
Lucille M. St. Pierre
Lynette S. Kimball
Marcy E. Yeager
Marguerite M. Shelton
Marilyn F. Dutton
Marjorie E. Stewart
Mary D. Beaton
Michael A. Gerstein
Michael R. Hearn
Michael R. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greenslade
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Goldberg
Mr. Lawrence J. Rickabaugh
Ms. Diane F. Zold-Gross
Ms. Roylee K. Lovett
Ms. Yvonne C. Wheatley
Nancy B. Norbedo
Nathan S. Balsamo
Neil A. Stewart
Noemi Custodia-Lora
Orquidea Taveras
Patricia M. Schade
Paula A. Emerson
Penny A. Kelley
Raymond S. Pilat
Robert A. Hawes
Robert H. Bolton
Sandra F. DeVellis
Sarah J. Comiskey
Sharon F. Arcand
Sheila R. Taintor
Shirley F. Osgood-Bailey
Stephen J. Russell
Steven R. Roy
Susan Bumstead Chanley
Theresa K. Newkirk-Boy
Thomas Colatosti
Tricia A. Butler
William A. Ammells

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