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Two Liberal Arts: Writing degree students at a table working on papers.
There is always a demand for people who can write well, from journalists, to speechwriters, to people who are experts at writing user manuals for new products. The Liberal Arts: Writing Degree Program at NECC will teach you how to write for different purposes and audiences.

Why Choose NECC?

Mass Transfer - links goes to the Mass Department of Ed Mass Transfer website

Almost every writer has a unique style. At NECC we will work with you to help your distinct voice emerge while exploring the many creative and vocational applications of writing. With this program you can:

  • Build skills in many different forms of writing, including creative writing, nonfiction, technical writing, and journalism
  • Have an opportunity to contribute creative writing to Parnassus, NECC’s award winning literary arts magazine
  • Write for the NECC’s bi-weekly newspaper, the Observer, or Parnassus, the campus literary arts magazine
  • Pursue a co-op (internship) in communications, publishing, or other writing-intensive fields
  • Take advantage of MassTransfer Pathways and other transfer agreements to earn your bachelor’s degree in a number of fields, while saving thousands of dollars on the cost of your degree

Because of NECC

You will be prepared to transfer to a large number of bachelor degree programs to pursue many types of careers. You can:

  • Transfer to bachelor degree programs in English, writing, communications and other liberal arts majors
  • Pursue entry level jobs in a broad array of fields that require excellent writing skills
  • Pursue freelance writing assignments in marketing, publishing, and other fields

Program Costs

For the 2024-2025 academic year, non-health for-credit courses have a cost of $263/credit for in-state students.

Career Paths & Job Market

Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Graduates will be able to pursue work as fiction writers, nonfiction writers, technical writers, and journalists and more. Most jobs require a four-year bachelor degree.

Career Paths

Career Paths

For more information regarding career trends, salary, and work settings for writers, please visit: US Bureau of Labor Statistics/Writers and Editors.

Program Pathway

A pathway is the most efficient sequence of courses semester-to-semester recommended for students to complete their degree. View the suggested pathway for the Liberal Arts: Writing degree.

Learning Outcomes



The Outcomes for LA: Writing Option are:

  • Distinguish writing expectations in a variety of contexts.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of craft, genre and audience.
  • Understand appropriate research, writing, editing, and design principles.
Student Learning Outcomes - Liberal Arts: Writing

Student Learning Outcomes – Liberal Arts: Writing

  1. Write for various purposes and audiences, both personal and professional.
    • Distinguish writing expectations in a variety of contexts and settings.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of craft, genre and audience.
    • Understand a range of available and appropriate research, writing, editing, and design principles.
  2. Examine the craft of writing in creative genres such as fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry.
    • Produce work in a variety of creative styles.
    • Construct original works in different genres and construct written narratives through vivid imagery and dramatic action.
    • Create main characters or personas with clearly defined objectives and identifiable dramatic arcs.
    • Understand craft-related terms.
  3. Discover a generative and collaborative writing process.
    • Respond critically and sensitively to the work of other writers.
    • Articulate a process of creating and revising writing.
    • Self-edit for obvious errors in grammar, spelling, format, and citation.

Courses and Requirements



Program Coordinator

Program Coordinator

Patrick Lochelt

Program Coordinator, Liberal Arts: Writing Degree

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