Additional Health Program Costs
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Community Health Worker Certificate Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $ 300.00
Dental Assisting Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected.
- CPR: $30.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $800.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $125.00
- Lab Kits: $120.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National/State Examination Fees: Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) : $450.00
Emergency Medical Technician
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- EMT101 EMS Testing Fee: $45.00
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- Books: $125.00-$150.00
- MA Basic State Exam Site Fee: $100.00
- MA State Practical Exam Fees: $150.00
- National Written Exam Fee: $70.00
Healthcare Technician
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Books: $750.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National Certification Exam: $110.00
Medical Assisting
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $700.00
- Lab Kits: $50.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $100.00
- NHA Testing Material Fee: $35.00
- National Certification Examination Fees: $155.00
Medical Billing
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Books: $1000.00
Medical Coding
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Books: $1000.00
Medical Office Assistant
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Books: $1000.00
Nursing Program: Associate Degree Option
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- TEAS V for Nursing: $94.00 *Effective July 1, 2017
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $1,100.00
- Lab Kits: $100.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $235.00
- ATI Materials: (subject to change) $470.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National Examination Fees (NCLEX): $200.00
- State License Application: $230.00
Nursing Program: Advanced Placement
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $300.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $235.00
- ATI Materials: $220.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National Examination Fees (NCLEX): $200.00
- State License Application: $230.00
- NURSYS: $30.00
Nursing Program: Practical Nurse Option
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- TEAS V for Nursing: $94.00 *Effective July 1, 2017
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $1,000.00
- Lab Kits: $85.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $235.00
- ATI Materials: $348.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National Examination Fees (NCLEX): $200.00
- State License Application: $230.00
Paramedic Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- EMT103 Platinum Plus Service Fee: $170
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected.
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $500.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $127.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National Examination Fees for Written: $110.00
- Reciprocity for State of MA fee
Public Health Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $ 600.00
Radiologic Technology Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- TEAS V for Allied Health: $106.00 *Effective July 14, 2022
- CPR: $100.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
- Technical Standards: Fees vary depending on the student’s insurance coverage
Students are required to bring a laptop to all classes on campus.
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $1,000.00 to $1,200.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $235.00
- Lab Badges: $12.00
- Clinical Record-Keeping-TRAJECSYS: $150.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National/State Examination Fees: ARRT: $225.00
- State License application and State Licensing Fee: $75.00 + $150.00 for a total of $225.00
Respiratory Care Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- TEAS V for Allied Health: $94.00 *Effective July 1, 2017
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage.
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected.
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $900.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $205.00
- Lab Kits: $60.00
- Co-ARC fees: $60.00
- NBRC CRT-SAE Exam: $45.00
- NBRC RRT-SAE Exam: $45.00
After Graduation
After Graduation
- National/State Examination Fees: CRT: $190.00; RRT: $390.00 for a total of $580.00
- State License Fee: $260.00
Sleep Technologist Certificate Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
Prior to the Start of the Program
- CPR: $70.00 to $80.00
- CORI/SORI: $20.00
- Drug Testing: $38.00
- Immunizations: Fees vary depending on the immunizations needed and the student’s insurance coverage
During Program of Study
During Program of Study
- Health Insurance: Costs vary depending on the insurance company and coverage selected
- Malpractice Insurance: $14.50/academic year
- Books: $ 600.00
- Uniforms + Accessories: $150.00
- National Certification Exam Fees: $550.00