A meeting of the Northern Essex Community College Board of Trustees was held via a Zoom Teleconference at 5:00PM.
Ms. Borislow
Mr. Cox
Ms. Fernandez
Mr. Guilmette
Mr. Linehan
Ms. O’Rorke
Ms. Quiles
Ms. Paley Nadel
Ms. Quiles
Ms. Sanchez
Ms. Worden
Unable to Attend:
Mr. Dodier and Ms. O’Rorke
Also Present:
President Glenn
Chairwoman Borislow called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM.
Prior to opening up the nomination process for officers, Chairwoman Borislow thanked Trustee Cox for his past service as Vice Chair. Trustee Cox expressed his honor in serving as Board Vice Chair and looked forward to new leadership and innovation as he nominated Trustee Paley Nadel as the new Vice Chair. Trustee Linehan seconded this nomination, and there were no further nominations or discussion.
Chairwoman Borislow then opened nominations for the position of Secretary. Trustee Paley Nadel nominated Trustee Shalimar Quiles as Secretary and it was seconded by Trustee Cox. With no further nominations and discussion, the nominations were closed.
A roll call vote resulted in approval of these two nominations. Chair Borislow thanked all for their willingness to serve, their participation, and their leadership.
On a Motion presented by Trustee Guilmette and seconded by Trustee Cox, on a roll call vote, the Board unanimously approved the March 3, 2021 minutes as presented.
Although there was no traditional correspondence, President Glenn welcomed Professor Alisa Bucchiere who is an educator, musician, and mentor to her students. Alisa introduced Alicia Catalano who has been selected to sing at the “29 Who Shine” event at the State House, where students from the 29 Massachusetts state universities and colleges are honored. President Glenn thanked Alicia Catalona for presenting a video of her singing which the Board thoroughly enjoyed.
a) Introduction of Newly Hired Employees (Verbal)
President Glenn welcomed Francisco Zappala to his new role as a Hunan Resources Specialist. Cisco expressed his excitement in working at NECC, as a first-generation college graduate. President Glenn also welcomed Rosanna Lora in her role as the college’s COVID 19 Contact Tracing Case Manager. He noted that trustees may recall Rosanna was the first virtual Commencement speaker at last year’s graduation. The Board welcomed the new employees.
Chair Borislow reminded all of the trustees to complete their training courses and to reach out to Cheryl Goodwin and Matt Noyes, if help is needed. She thanked trustees for their leadership and time when taking these trainings.
During the last three weeks, Chair Borislow reported that she participated in the search process with other Community College Board Chairs for the new Community College representative to the Board of Higher Education. While attending five presentations of candidates, it was a great opportunity to provide valuable input. The Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees Chair, Bill Walczak, was elected to that new role.
a) Student Success Management Office (ADM-3370-040721)
President Glenn introduced Dr. Bill Heineman who is now the President-Elect of North Shore Community College. Under his direction, Audrey Ellis has shown much success and innovation with the Student Success Management Office. Dr. Heineman then introduced Ms. Audrey Ellis.
Audrey noted that during the pandemic, the Navigate software infrastructure was updated to assist students in connecting with faculty and staff. As all student services were moved online, Navigate accommodated the increased demand for online appointments and scheduling. Training opportunities for faculty and staff were increased as the demand for Navigate continued to expand. Over 4,000 faculty-issued alerts and progress reports on students were made since the onset of Covid-19 in March, 2020. Also, as the need for student ambassadors increased, two practicum students were hired to fill this role. Soon, the number of student ambassadors grew from 13 to 20 as more proactive efforts expanded to facilitate communications to students in need. Ms. Ellis then introduced the two practicum students.
Andrew Venditti, a student ambassador and journalism and communications major, excelled in his role as a “middle man” between the professors and students. From the onset, students who accessed Student Ambassadors have provided good feedback to this beneficial process.
Emma Atwood, a criminal justice major in her second year at NECC, found that reaching out to a roster of 50 students provided amazing results. Emma noted that she connected with students via Zoom call or phone and helped many navigate the challenges of Blackboard.
Trustee Worden asked if the number of students assisted tapered off at the end of the term. It was noted that the first few weeks are the busiest, then the middle of the term turns calmer with fewer students needing assistance. However, demand typically increases again preceding final exams. While the first semester of the student ambassador program may have been reactive, the following semester interactions were more proactive and have the capacity to provide more outreach. President Glenn thanked the ambassadors for all the wonderful work they are doing for our students.
1) Audit and Finance Sub-Committee
Trustee Cox reported that tuition and fee revenues are projected to have an overall increase of $1.6 M from Quarter 2, primarily driven by a greater spring enrollment for both credit and non-credit/high school. With the help of federal and state monies, the income remained steady due to the proactive measures that President Glenn, Michael McCarthy, and all the employees have undertaken to stem the effect of the pandemic.
For the next fiscal year, Michael McCarthy noted that it is our fiduciary responsibility to examine our fee structure from year to year. The college is proposing a fee increase of $3.00 for the regular college courses, which amounts to $196 per credit. The Audit and Finance Sub-Committee recommended the following motions:
a) FY22 College Fee – Regular Courses (AFC-21-02)
On a Motion by Trustee Linehan, seconded by Trustee Paley Nadel, on a roll call vote, the board unanimously approved the Audit and Finance Sub-Committee’s recommendation of a $3 per credit fee increase on all credit courses that are non-Health resulting in a fee of $196 per credit.
b) FY22 College Fee – Allied Health Courses (AFC-21-03)
On a Motion by Trustee Fernandez, seconded by Trustee Linehan, on a roll call vote, the board unanimously approved the Audit and Finance Sub-Committee’s recommendation of a $3 per credit fee increase on all Allied Health courses resulting in a fee of $276 per credit.
c) FY22 College Fee – Early College Courses (AFC-21-04)
On a Motion by Trustee Worden, seconded by Trustee Linehan, on a roll call vote, the board unanimously approved the Audit and Finance Sub-Committee’s recommendation to implement an increase of the Early College Fee by $5 to $115 per credit hour in FY22.
Chairwoman Borislow thanked Mike McCarthy and Anthony DeGregorio for their participation and guidance of the Audit and Finance Sub-Committee.
2) Alumni Advancement Sub-Committee
Trustee Fernandez, Chair of the Sub-Committee noted that on May 11, there will be a virtual morning breakfast with past trustees in order to reconnect and cultivate those relationships with guidance from Allison Dolan-Wilson, VP of Institutional Advancement. A proposed fall meeting is being planned for the alumni group to create more networking ideas, and possibly meet on a monthly basis.
3) Equity Imperative Sub-Committee
Trustee Paley Nadel, Chair of the Sub-Committee reported that Dr. Noemi Custodia-Lora, VP of the Lawrence Campus, has been working with the committee regarding a report for the upcoming Center for Equity and Social Justice. This document details the goals of the center, including the hiring of a Chief Officer, forming an advisory board, and conducting an audit of the college practices and ESL/OSL services. Trustee Paley Nadel encouraged the Board members to participate on the advisory board and think about our practices of diversity and inclusion in order to help those in the Greater Lawrence community who may need our assistance to complete a degree program.
4) Nominating Sub-Committee
Shalimar Quiles, Chair of the Sub-Committee, reported that much progress has been made, as the committee submitted to the Governor’s office this past Monday the names of the Board nominees. We look forward to the feedback from the Governor and Trustees will receive a follow-up email. Chair Borislow thanked the committee and Cheryl Goodwin for all their help. She also thanked trustees who will continue with their service until the seats are filled.
President Glenn provided brief updates on the following topics:
a) Update on NECHE Accreditation & Virtual Site Visit
At the NECHE Visiting Team Sunday Evening Welcome session on April 11th, a video showcasing NECC will be shown. President Glenn thanked Allison Dolan Wilson, Ron Taber, our student ambassadors, Bill Heineman, Kim Burns, Scott Lancaster, and countless others for preparing for this NECHE visit.
b) NECC 2020 Strategic Plan
The report on NECC 2020 Strategic Plan will be presented at next month’s Board meeting.
c) Enrollment Update
President Glenn noted that the college will be seeking a 1% enrollment increase for the Fall 2021 semester.
d) Budget Update
President Glenn referred to the Audit & Finance Sub-Committee report.
e) Fall Instructional Delivery Planning
The College recently conducted a student survey and found that many students are asking for more hybrid classes where they will experience some of the benefits of in-person learning. As a result, the college will be offering a variety of flexible course offerings in the fall semester including online, hybrid, and in-person.
f) Haverhill Campus
President Glenn noted that the Return to Campus Taskforce continues to ensure campus safety and is implementing a variety of Covid-19 safety measures which will be in place for the fall semester. Also, with funds made available through DCAMM and the CARES Act, many improvements are taking place, some of which are the ADA entrance to Behrakis Student Center and the parking lot and curbing paving project.
g) Lawrence Campus
In Lawrence, in collaboration with the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, the Dimitry building will host a COVID-19 vaccination site. President Glenn thanked VP and COO Michael McCarthy for his work on organizing this effort.
a) Save the Date (Commencement – May 15)
President Glenn noted that the Commencement Committee is enthusiastically planning for NECC’s May 15th Commencement. Instead of our typical large community gathering of faculty, staff, VIPs, graduates, and guests, the Committee has modified how NECC will celebrate our graduates this year by having five, smaller one-hour ceremonies by academic area. This approach will better ensure the health and safety of our community and is following the Massachusetts guidance on commencement & graduation ceremonies. The event will certainly be different this year with the primary focus on 1) safety and 2) the opportunity for our graduates to walk across the stage. Also honored at Commencement will be several Emeriti recipients, including last year’s honorees who were unable to attend in person due to the pandemic.
b) Emeritus Status Recommendations (ADM-3671-040721)
President Glenn noted that there were four well-deserving Emeriti recommendations and he was seeking Trustee approval.
On a Motion by Trustee Cox, seconded by Trustee Fernandez, on a roll call vote, the Board unanimously approved the four (4) Emeritus Status Recommendations as noted in Attachment B.
There was none.
With no other business, Chairwoman Borislow adjourned the meeting at 6:12PM.