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 A meeting of the Northern Essex Community College Board of Trustees was held in the Hartleb Technology Center, Room TC103A at the Haverhill Campus at 5:00PM.

Ms. Borislow

Ms. Fernandez (Via Zoom)

Mr. Gomez

Mr. Hamm

Ms. Paley Nadel (via Zoom)

Ms. Quiles (via Zoom)

Mr. Silverio

Ms. Sanchez (via Zoom)

 Unable to attend:  Mr. Cousins, Ms. O’Rorke,  and Mr. Vasquez

Also Present:  President Glenn   


Chairwoman Borislow called the meeting to order at 5:03PM with a roll call of attendance and a quorum present.   


Chairwoman Borislow opened up nominations for the election of Vice Chair.  Trustee Hamm nominated Trustee Pati Fernandez as Vice Chair.  Trustee Quiles seconded this nomination, and there were no further nominations or discussion.

Chairwoman Borislow then opened nominations for the position of Secretary.  Trustee Hamm nominated Trustee Jouel Gomez as Secretary, and it was seconded by Trustee Silverio.   With no further nominations and discussion, the nominations were closed.

A roll call vote resulted in unanimous approval of the two nominations for Vice Chair and Secretary. Chair Borislow thanked both Trustee Fernandez and Trustee Gomez for their willingness to serve, their participation, and their leadership.


Chairwoman Borislow asked for an approval of the April minutes.

On a Motion presented by Trustee Gomez and seconded by Trustee Silverio, it was voted unanimously by roll call vote to approve the April 3, 2024 minutes as presented.


There was no correspondence.


a)      Introduction of Newly Hired Employees (Verbal)

President Glenn noted that there were no new employee introductions this month.


a)      Sabbatical Report:  Internet of Things and Security (ADM-3860-050124)

President Glenn introduced Dr. Paul Beaudin, Provost who introduced Adrianna Holden-Gouveia, Professor of Computer and Information Science.  Dr. Beaudin noted that sabbaticals provide faculty time away to engage in meaningful research and learning that will positively impact the success of NECC students.  Professor Holden-Gouveia has taught at NECC for 18 years, has been the recipient of grant funding related to project-based learning, and has been a lead faculty member for the college’s STEM Center. 

Professor Holden-Gouveia thanked Dr. Beaudin and noted that her research and presentation on the Internet of Things (IoT) focused on the network of interconnected devices (Garmin, Fitbits, etc.) that are embedded with sensors and software and are connected to the internet in some way (with a main focus on internet safety and security. 

Typically, most internet data is being collected, is being sold, and is not being secured leaving users vulnerable to security issues.  Her research detailed that some devices are very insecure and noted that some device companies hide their security methods instead of fixing them, hoping that flaws go unnoticed.  Other devices have a hard code password (default) which cannot be changed as it is saved in the memory of the device.   These devices look at your camera and your browsing history, etc. and then many companies sell your data to make their money. 

Professor Holden-Gouveia’s work focused on the setup and security of devices particularly in the home and provides opensource resources that are easy to follow and readily available to all.  She noted that at the very end of her report, she lists of all the hardware needed to test your devices at home. 

One example was instruction on how a Home Assistant device can be setup in multiple ways.  Ms. Holden-Gouveia provided a link and QR code to the demo set-up which provided assistance in controlling video cameras, and setting up programming for air quality devices including sending alerts to a cell phone if it detects any air quality problems.    She noted that this technology can also be used in the classroom to help set up a programming class or an electronics class, for example, using chip technology, even in premade devices that were not “smart” devices but turned into one with a chip.

In closing, Professor Holden-Gouveia noted that all of her research is available to review on her website via the QR code provided in the Board packets.   

Dr. Glenn thanked Professor Holden-Gouveia for her wonderful research and report on her sabbatical work. 


Chair Borislow noted that her report this evening would be very brief.  She extended congratulations to Trustee Lloyd Hamm on his recent NECC IMPACT Award.  Ms. Borislow noted that the energy in the room at this morning’s Impact Awards was amazing, and she also congratulated Allison Dolan-Wilson and her team for a wonderful event.  

President Glenn thanked Chairwoman Borislow for her report and also shared with Trustees that Ms. Borislow was also the recipient of an Impact Award that morning.  Videos of the awards can be found on social media for anyone who was unable to attend. 


a)  Audit and Finance Sub-Committee –

1) FY24 Budget Process Update (AFC-24-07)

Trustee Hamm reported that the sub-committee met earlier in the afternoon to review the numbers for the 3rd quarter of FY24 budget and the preliminary information and process for FY25. He noted that the Audit and Finance Committee are presenting a motion to approve the FY25 College Operating Budget, but reminded trustees that the final state budget will evolve through the summer, and a final budget will be brought back to the trustees at the October meeting.  Trustee Hamm thanked CFO Mike McCarthy and his team and noted that the overall fiscal health of the college is very good.  With that said, the Audit and Finance Sub-Committee recommended the following motion:

2) Motion to Approve FY25 College Operating Budget (AFC-24-08)

With no questions, the Audit & Finance committee recommended the following motion:

On a Motion presented by Trustee Gomez, seconded by Trustee Paley Nadel, on a roll call vote, the board unanimously approved the Audit and Finance Committee’s proposed FY2025 College Operating Budget of $76,685,220 as detailed in the report.

b) Alumni Advancement Sub-Committee – Trustee Fernandez, Chair of the Sub-Committee, echoed Chair Borislow’s comments on the NECC Impact Awards event.  She extended congratulations to all recipients as well Allison Dolan-Wilson and her team on a wonderful event.  She also wanted to thank everyone for their participation in last week’s NECC Giving Day which saw full board participation. In closing, Ms. Fernandez noted that these donations to NECC’s annual fund make an impact and are very much appreciated.  Over the next few months, we should focus on maximizing the state’s match and how to open pipelines and expand an agenda on alumni giving and multi-year gifts.

c) Equity Imperative Sub-Committee – Trustee Paley Nadel, Chair of the Sub-Committee, reported that the committee met to further discuss the work of the Lawrence Council with a focus on student support services to bring more visibility to the campus and to increase use of some services like financial aid, recruitment, retention, etc.  With that work will come some realignment of some physical spaces at the Lawrence campus.  She noted that the college leadership already knows that student space utilization in Haverhill is good, and the committee wants to help to do that in Lawrence as well.

d) Nominating Sub-Committee – Shalimar Quiles, Chair of the Sub-Committee, reported that the committee has been notified that her reappointment is official.  The committee also received confirmation from the Governor’s office on the official appointment of Joan Hatem-Roy, CEO of Age Span.  The committee looks forward to welcoming Joan at the June meeting.  The committee and full board extend it many thanks to outgoing trustee Marianne Paley Nadel for her 10 years of service to the NECC Board.

e) Presidential Evaluation Sub-Committee – Jouel Gomez, Chair of the Presidential Evaluation Sub-Committee noted that the process is moving along and the committee has a number of  interviews scheduled this week with local business, educational, and political partners.  Similar to years past, the interviews will provide a deeper look into the work of the President and how impactful that work is to the communities.  The full evaluation will be finalized for the June 5th Board meeting.

REPORT OF ADMINISTRATION:  President Glenn provided brief updates on the following topics:            

a) FY25 Budget and Legislative Advocacy (Verbal)

President Glenn noted that this item was already covered under the A&F Committee report.

b) Whittier Tech/NECC Shared Campus Project Update (Verbal)

President Glenn noted that a kickoff meeting with the Lt. Governor, members of the Legislative delegation, and Whittier staff was held and they discussed the intent of this exploration model.  The next step to identify a consultant to assist with program planning and visioning in terms of what this might look like and defining what elements will be within this shared model.  To that end, the consultant will be a recognized regional and national expert and will spend a few months doing that assessment.  In the meantime, Whitter has to file a new letter of intent to put the project back into the cue for state funding, but there will be no decision until December 2024. 

c) Opening of BOSA at Haverhill Heights (Verbal)

President Glenn noted that he attended the BOSA at Haverhill Heights opening.  It was a magnificent night with beautiful spaces and food/drink.  He noted that NECC will host a future trustee event at the space. 

d) Campus Updates (Verbal)

President Glenn noted that the college hoped to have the new RFP today for NECC’s new Health and Wellness Center, but the RFP is delayed until Friday.   Dr. Glenn noted that they hope to pick a project manager/vendor someone later this year.

He then echoed Chairwoman Borislow’s remarks about this morning’s NECC Impact Awards event and thanked all trustees for their continued support. 

He also noted the upcoming Police Academy graduation on Friday, May 3rd and encouraged trustees to attend if they can join us.

e) Communique (ADM-3861-050124)

President Glenn noted that trustees have a copy of the newest Communique in the board agenda packets.

f) Graduation Event Reminders: (Verbal)

President Glenn reminded trustees of the upcoming commencement and related events as follows:

o  Tuesday, May 14th, Student Academic Awards Ceremony, 5:30PM,

    Sport & Fitness Center, Haverhill Campus

o  Thursday, May 16th, Early College Recognition Ceremony, 5:00PM,

     Haverhill Campus Quad

o   Saturday, May 18th, NECC 61st Commencement Exercises, 11:00AM,

     Haverhill Campus Quad

g) NECC Boards End-of-Year Celebration, Thursday, June 27, 4-7PM at the Home of Sally & Vinny O’Rorke, 400 Chadwick Road, Bradford, MA  (ADM-3862-050124)

President Glenn again thanked Trustee O’Rorke for her generous invitation to host the June 27th end of year celebration for NECC’s Alumni, Foundation and Trustee boards.  He looks forward to the event.


a) Grants:  Chairwoman Borislow noted that there were three (3) grants slated for approval.  They are:

1) Massachusetts Department of Higher Education/Holyoke Community College:  HEIF Equity Agenda (ADM-3863-050124) for $4,000;

2) Massachusetts Department of Higher Education: Nursing Scholarship Grant Program (ADM-3864-050124) for $129,813; and

3) United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence/University of New Hampshire:  New England Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence Supplemental Funds (ADM-3865-050124) for $5,020.

On a Motion by Trustee Quiles, seconded by Trustee Silverio, on a roll call vote, it was voted unanimously to approve the three (3) grants totaling $138,833 as listed.  

b) New Programs: President Glenn noted that there were two (2) new programs for review and approval.  He noted that Dean Jody Carson and Professor Sheila Muller of the Business division were both on hand in the audience to field any questions that trustees might have.  He also thanked them for their continued and purposeful work on new program development.

1) Motion to Approve the Associate in Science in Marketing (ADM-3866-050124)

On a Motion by Trustee Hamm seconded by Trustee Paley Nadel, on a roll call vote, it was voted unanimously to approve the Associate in Science in Marketing Degree.

2) Motion to Approve the Associate in Science in Entrepreneurial Business (ADM-3867-050124)

On a Motion by Trustee Gomez seconded by Trustee Silverio, on a roll call vote, it was voted unanimously to approve the Associate in Science in Entrepreneurial Business Degree.

President Glenn congratulated Provost Beaudin, Dean Carson, and Professor Muller on their wonderful work on new program development. 


Chairwoman Borislow wanted to extend her heartfelt thank you to Trustee Marianne Paley Nadel as this was officially her last board meeting.  “We want to thank you so very much for your years of service, Marianne.  Your leadership has always been so very much appreciated and valued, and we are incredibly grateful for your service to Northern Essex.  We look forward to celebrating you later this summer.”    President Glenn also thanked Trustee Paley Nadel on behalf of the leadership team.


With no other business, Chairwoman Borislow adjourned the meeting at 5:45PM.