Public Invited to Poster Design Presentation at NECC

Lancy Hidy's poster design
In addition to designing three U.S. postage stamps, award winning graphic designer Lance Hidy, a resident of Merrimac, has designed commemorative posters for colleges and universities across the country.
He recently shared his talents with Northern Essex Community College, where he currently teaches photography and illustration, when he designed a poster in celebration of the college’s 50th anniversary.
On Wednesday, October 12 at 3:15, Hidy will share his poster design process in a presentation designed for those interested in graphic design, photography, illustration, and marketing. Free and open to the public, the presentation will be held in the Hartleb Technology Center, 100 Elliott St., Haverhill, MA. A reception and exhibit of Hidy’s artwork will take place after the presentation in the Bentley Library.
Lance Hidy became active as an artist while growing up in Portland, Oregon. He sharpened his skills in art and design at Yale University from 1964 to 1968 and later studied privately with Leonard Baskin. Hidy was co-founder of David R. Godine, Publisher in 1969, before starting his own design firm in 1973. His commercial and fine art work covers a broad range from book design, posters, photography, type design, and illustration.
He was the art director of Harvard Business Review, and is the designer for books and apps for the Ansel Adams Trust. In addition to teaching and running his design and illustration studio, Hidy has lectured and written on design history. His poster clients have included The George Washington University, Yale University, Wellesley College, Columbia University, the Library of Congress, and the universities of Maryland and Delaware. His fine art work is represented locally by Chameleon in Newburyport. In addition, he is working on a book about the illustrious fly-fishing career of his father, Vernon S. ‘Pete’ Hidy.
For more information on this presentation, contact the NECC Public Relations Office, 978 556-3862 or or visit the newsroom on the college’s website
Northern Essex is celebrating its 50th anniversary with events that will be held throughout the year. For additional information, visit the