Course Exploring Presidency Offered at NECC

NECC Professor Rich Padova
Richard Padova of Andover, who has worked on eight presidential campaigns, Democratic and Republican, and teaches in the Global Studies Department at Northern Essex Community College will teach a new history course this spring at NECC titled “Quest for the Presidency”. The spring semester begins January 23.
The class will be offered on the Haverhill campus, 100 Elliott St., on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:45 a.m. to noon. This is a three-credit course. This course is open to the public.
The course examines the legal, political, and financial environments in which recent presidential elections have occurred, strategy and tactics, and the implications of elections for governance. Candidates and issues in the 2012 U.S. presidential campaign will be studied within the context of the course.
To enroll in this class call 978-556-3700. To see all NECC offerings go to