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Article Archive for: Year 2012
NECC Seeks Submissions for 5th Annual Peace Poetry Contest
Students in grades kindergarten through 12, both from public and private schools, as well as adults affiliated with the schools, and Northern…

NECC to Launch Machine Tool Training Program
In response to a recent jobs report that projects the manufacturing sector will seek to fill 100,000 jobs over the next decade Northern Essex Community College, in partnership with Lawrence Technical School, has…

NECC Professor Explores #Psalms Through Tweets
If King David and the other psalmists were Tweeters, what would they have tweeted? That is a question Jim Gustafson, retired minister and Northern Essex philosophy and religion…

Professor Wintner Gets a Send-off after 30-plus Years
Dozens of Professor Gene Wintner’s friends and colleagues gathered at an open house on Friday, Dec. 14 to wish him well…

Columnist Writes about Two of NECC’s Athletic Stars
December 2012 Trustees Report
Educational Report Focuses On Experiential Learning Sue Grolnic described the scope of her new role as the college’s dean of experiential learning during the trustees’ educational report. Bill Heineman, vice president of academic affairs, introduced Grolnic and explained how the…
Program Trains for Ophthalmic Assistant Careers
After conferring with the offices of area ophthalmologists, surgeons who specialize in eye care, Northern Essex Community College saw a need and created an ophthalmic…

NECC Student Designs Class T-Shirt
When Kelly Goodwin dons her Northern Essex Community Class of 2013 T-shirt this spring, she will have the…

Haverhill Hardware Horizons Challenge Moves to Round Two
[caption id="attachment_4845" align="alignright" width="325" caption="Shown left to right in photo: Jim DiBurro, Round Rock Consulting; Ronald Trombley, Greater Haverhill Foundation; Lisa Fitzpatrick, The Burgess Business Center; Lane Glenn, Northern Essex Community College; John Michitson, Haverhill City Council; Mike McGonagle, McGonagle…

Math Pathway Changes Add Up
With nearly 85 percent of Northern Essex students, which matches the national average for community college students, testing into developmental math courses, math faculty realized they needed to streamline…