CoOL Showcases Spring Seminars

NECC’s College of Older Learners will hold a seminar showcase on Tuesday, March 11. Seminars include one titled “Fun Films”.
Adults 50 and older who are interested in learning for the fun of learning are invited to attend Northern Essex Community College’s College of Older Learners (CoOL) seminar showcase on Tuesday, March 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. in room 103B in the David Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill campus, 100 Elliott St.
CoOL is designed for individuals over 50 who are interested in attending educational seminars for the joy of learning. At the Showcase, attendees will learn more about the seminars and meet the seminar leaders. This event is free and open to the public.
Ranging from science to film, the seminar topics for the spring include Fun Films, Touring Local Parks and Trails, Middlemarch: A Glimpse of Glory, In Search of Common Ground (comparative religion), Aging as a Spiritual Practice, Robert Frost in Lawrence and in Derry, NH, From 42nd Street to Avenue Q, The Captivating Culture of China, Music Maestro Please, Personal Essay Writing, A Journey Through Ethnic Music and Dance, Science of the Times, The Golden Age of Television, The Hispanic Caribbean: Between Culture Dictators, and Colonies and Revolutions. .
All of the seminars meet on a designated week-day for six consecutive weeks, unless otherwise noted, at the Haverhill campus, NECC Riverwalk, of off-campus. The cost is $30 for each seminar.
Guests without parking stickers must park in the lot furthest from the entrance; park in the Tech Center lot on the other side of the road.
For additional information visit the CoOL website.
Or, contact CoOL through the email address or call 978-556-3110 and leave a voice-mail message. You can also contact Ted Coughlin at Contact CoOL is you have an idea for a future seminar.