NECC Students Present at Undergraduate Research Conference
Northern Essex Community College honors students recently presented at the Undergraduate Research Conference at UMass Amherst.
Over 1,000 students from two and four-year institutions attended the event, which brings together college students from across the state to present their original work in oral and poster presentations. NECC students in the Honors Research Experience Lab Science class and students who had completed Honors Projects showcased their work.
“This event allowed students to present their work and network with other students and faculty,” Ginger Hurajt, coordinator of the NECC honors program, said.
Some topics that students presented on included “Water Quality Analysis,” “Everyday Exploitation: Factory Farming and Our Obligation to Animals,” and “De-Icing Ruin-Nation?”
The Honors Experience at NECC provides the opportunity for highly motivated and talented students to enroll in honors courses, complete research-based or creative Honors Projects, and participate in meaningful community service learning activities.
For more information regarding the Honors Experience Program contact Coordinator Ginger Hurajt at