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Article Archive for: Year 2016

Professor Domenech discusses Trip to Cuba
August 2, 2016 – 2:12 pm
NECC Prof Leads Free Summer Tours in Lawrence
August 1, 2016 – 5:41 pm
NECC Prof Leads Free Summer Tours in Lawrence During the summer, Richard Padova, who teaches in Northern Essex Community College’s Global Studies Department, indulges his passion for local history and steps from the classroom to the streets of Lawrence,…
Single Mom Juggles College with Work and Family
July 28, 2016 – 1:18 pm
Single Mom Juggles College with Work and Family Managing full-time work with parenting two teen girls and an almost full-time college schedule isn’t easy, but Tina McNeil proves it can be done. A regional manager for Kohl’s department store and…
Free English Language Program for Adult Learners Starts this Fall at NECC in Lawrence
July 27, 2016 – 2:54 pm
Free English Language Program for Adult Learners Starts this Fall at NECC in Lawrence Free English classes for adult English language learners, who want to further their education or employment opportunities, will be offered at Northern Essex Community college beginning in September. This 16-week program is for English language learners who would like to…
Georgetown Woman Thrives Thanks to Support Services
July 27, 2016 – 2:34 pm
Georgetown Woman Thrives Thanks to Support Services Once Laurine Faro learned about Northern Essex’s support services, she couldn’t imagine life without them. They were the academic lifeline she never knew she needed. The Georgetown resident had already lived…
Enthusiastic NECC Students Find They are Gullible
July 22, 2016 – 1:56 pm
Gull 2E2 is a clear crowd favorite. Charismatic and playful, the Great Black-Backed Gull is often seen by bird watchers during its regular commute from…
Internship and Scholarship Help Haverhill Man Succeed
July 21, 2016 – 7:56 pm
Internship and Scholarship Help Haverhill Man Succeed Several years out of high school, Haverhill resident Matt Sibley wanted to change course. At the time he was working retail jobs while taking the occasional college class. “I realized…
Chemistry Prof Featured in National Podcast
July 20, 2016 – 7:57 pm
New Programs Lead to Careers in Health Care
July 20, 2016 – 5:55 pm
New Programs Lead to Careers in Health Care The health care industry offers more than just direct patient care job opportunities. Northern Essex Community…
NECC Administrator Goes to Washington
July 20, 2016 – 3:16 pm
Shown left to right are: Jeffrey Goldman, immigration lawyer and chair of the MA Governor's Advisory Council on Refugees and Immigrants; Westy Egmont, director, Immigrant Integration Lab and Assoc. Professor, Boston College; and Noemi Custodia-Lora, executive…

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