Poet to Present March White Fund Lecture

Poet Elizabeth Acevedo will perform her spoken word during the March 30 White Fund lecture at El Taller in Lawrence.
Poet, author, performing artist Elizabeth Acevedo will perform her original spoken word during a White Fund lecture on Thursday, March 30, at 6:30 p.m. at El Taller, 275 Essex St., Lawrence.
This event is free and open to the public. Space is limited.
The evening will begin with performances by local artists followed by Acevedo’s performance.
Acevedo is the youngest child and only daughter of Dominican Republic immigrants. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Performing Arts from the George Washington University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Maryland. With more than 14 years of performance experience, Acevedo has toured her poetry nationally and internationally. She is a National Poetry Slam Champion, Cave Canem Fellow, CantoMundo Fellow, and participant of the Callaloo Writer’s Workshop.
She has two collections of poetry, “Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths” (YesYes Books, 2016) and winner of the 2016 Berkshire Prize, “Medusa Reads La Negra’s Palm” (Tupelo Press, forthcoming). “The Poet X,” (HarperCollins, 2018) is her debut novel. She lives with her partner in Washington, DC.
The White Fund’s purpose is to have a free series of interactive presentations for Lawrence area adults, youth, and children. The audience is encouraged to seek wisdom, cultural enrichment, and intellectual enhancement by attending and participating.
The views expressed in the White Fund Enlightenment Series Presentations are the views of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Northern Essex Community College.
Funded by a generous financial gift from the Honorable Daniel Appleton White, the White Fund Lecture Series has provided cultural conversation featuring well-known lecturers in fields such as history, literature, travel, the arts, and politics. The White Fund is collaborating with Northern Essex on this series.
For additional information or to be notified of upcoming events in the White Fund Enlightenment Series, contact Analuz Garcia at agarcia@necc.mas.edu or call 978-738-7423 or visit the website