NECC’s Jazz/Rock Ensemble Presents Spring Concert

Members of the NECC jazz/rock band will present its spring concert on May 4. Members include Alec Anand of Andover on guitar; Jay Marmol of Lawrence on guitar; Seth Persson of Amesbury on drums and piano; Liza Lynehan of Amesbury on vocals; and Dominic Marraffa of Durham, NH, on drums and piano.
The Northern Essex Community College Jazz/ Rock Ensemble, under the direction of NECC adjunct music professor Michael Lecuyer, will present its spring concert on Thursday, May 4, at 6 p.m. in the Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill campus, 100 Elliott St.
This event is free and open to the public.
The ensemble will perform jazz classics covering all genres of jazz, including Be Bop, ballads, modal, Latin, and swing by jazz composers such as Miles Davis, Antonio Jobim, Dave Brubeck, Rodgers & Hart, as well as student composed original pieces.
The NECC Music Club will sell refreshments at the conclusion of the event.
Northern Essex offers an associate degree in General Studies: Music and a certificate in Music Technology.
For additional information contact Lecuyer at