NECC Graduate Recognized by Lawrence City Council

Noemi Custodia-Lora, NECC’s vice president of the Lawrence Campus and community relations; NECC grad Jasmine Garver, and Lawrence City Councilor Marc LaPlante.
The Lawrence City Council recently presented Lawrence resident and Northern Essex Community College graduate Jasmine Garver with a special citation based on her academic success and demonstrated leadership. The citation was presented by Councilor Marc Laplante.
A 2011 graduate of Greater Lawrence Technical School, Garver earned a 3.76 GPA and a degree in Liberal Arts: Psychology Option at the Northern Essex Commencement on Saturday, May 20.
At commencement she honored her parents, decorating her graduation cap with roses and the inscription “For You Mom and Dad RIP”.
Orphaned at a young age, Garver admits she had a challenging childhood. She grew up in Anchorage, Alaska and moved to Lawrence when she was 10 to live with an aunt after her mother died one year and her father the next.
Based on what she experienced as a child, Garver wants to help other families who are going through difficult situations. She has already transferred to Merrimack College where she is working on her bachelor’s degree in psychology. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she plans to go on for a master’s in social work, and ultimately become a counselor.
Garver supports herself financially and she works full-time while attending college at Tripoli’s Bakery, a Lawrence favorite, where she covers the counter and decorates cakes.
Garver was active in NECC’s Pathways to Academic and Career Excellence (PACE), a federally funded student support program which encourages student success and transfer.
Also honored at the June 20 Lawrence City Council meeting was Hanhnguyen Nguyen of Lawrence, a recent graduate of Notre Dame Cristo High School who will begin college at Bentley University in the fall.
- Notre Dame Cristo High School Grad Hanhnguyen Nguyen and her parents.
- Jasmine Garver, second from right, with NECC staffers Kristen Arnold, Noemi Custodia-Lora, and Donna Bertolino
- Jasmine Garver and her family and friends