Three Northern Essex Employees Honored for Work

NECC Employees recognized for the third quarter of 2017 with NECC President Lane Glenn include (LtoR) Donna Evers, Phil Wysocki, and Vengerflutta Smith.
Three Northern Essex Community College employees, Vengerflutta Smith of Nashua, NH, Philip Wysocki of Haverhill, and Donna Evers of Derry, NH, recently received the employee recognition award for the third quarter of 2017.
The Employee Recognition Award recognizes the many and varied contributions of the college’s nearly 700 employees. Employees are selected each quarter based on recommendations from supervisors and co-workers. Recipients receive a $150 certificate to the restaurant or mall of his or her choice.
Smith, an enrollment counselor in NECC’s admission office, received two nominations for the award. Kim Burns, dean of academic innovations and interim dean of professional development, praised her for her bringing “unequaled energy and enthusiasm to all her endeavors at the college…she is one of NECC’s best cheerleaders.” She helped create the vision for the Culture and Inclusion Learning Community and has been a critical member of the planning committee. Her experience with the new competency-based education initiative has also been tapped.
Daniel Richer, director of recruitment and admission, supported Smith’s nomination writing “her energy, enthusiasm, and positivity are contagious…she has had a profound positive impact on the admissions office.”
Smith, who has worked at Northern Essex for close to two years, holds an associate degree from Highland Park Community College and two bachelor degrees and a master’s degree from Michigan State.
Wysocki, a network administrator, has worked at NECC for more than 10 years. He was nominated by Ricardo “Danny” Rivera, assistant director of information technology, who lauded him for “working above and beyond his duties…he has helped me on countless projects…Phil has been repairing broken network wires and reorganizing the network closets in the Spurk building, in the process saving the college thousands…he has done this with a smile and positive attitude…he always puts students and faculty first.”
Wysocki holds an associate of science degree in graphic arts from Springfield Technical Community College.
Evers has worked at Northern Essex for more than 20 years primarily as an administrative assistant in the Division of Health Professions.
She was nominated by Mary Farrell, NECC’s dean of allied health professions, who, among other things, credited her with providing “significant support to the nursing program through preparation of reports, data collection and formatting many documents required by accrediting agencies.”
An alumna of Northern Essex, she holds associate degrees in administrative management: administrative assistant, general studies, and criminal justice. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Studies: Business Administration from Southern New Hampshire University.
For additional information on the employee recognition award contact Pamela Medina in NECC’s human resources office at