Chamber Music Group Begins Season with Concert at NECC

Mike Finegold of Andover, artistic director of the Essex Chamber Music Players, will perform with the ensemble at its October 29 concert on the Haverhill campus.
Essex Chamber Music Players in residence at Northern Essex Community College will begin its 2017/2018 with a Sunday, Oct. 29, concert in the Hartleb Technology Center on the Haverhill campus, 100 Elliot St.
The concert, which begins at 2 p.m. will feature the music of Haydn, Shostakovich, Schubert and Gary William Friedman plus a “Tinge of Halloween” music.
Tickets are $15 for general admission and $5 for NECC students with a school identification.
The other concerts of the season include Sunday, March 25, featuring pianist Constantine Finehouse playing selections of Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Albeniz, and Bolcom; Sunday, April 6, Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) with a service at 6:30 p.m., followed by a one-hour concert at 7 p.m. at Temple Emanuel, 7 Haggetts Pond Road in Andover; Sunday, April 22, Earth Day Concert, featuring George Crumb playing “Voice of the Whales,” a new work for Earth Day Celebration by David Bennett Thomas on poems of Robert Frost; and Sunday, May 13, Essex Jazz Ensemble featuring the compositions of ECMP founder and artistic director Michael Finegold and Marc Rossi.
For additional information on any of the concerts contact Finegold at or visit the ECMP website.