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Article Archive for: Year 2017
December 2017 Trustees Update
Faculty Report on Recent Sabbaticals Professors Ginger Hurajt and Marilyn McCarthy shared what they had accomplished during recent sabbaticals, including how it has impacted students at the college. Hurajt, English professor and coordinator of the college’s Honors Experience, spent her…
New Transfer Options in Lawrence
NECC Launches Finale Film Festival
France has Cannes, Park City has Sundance and now Northern Essex Community College has one…a film festival that is. The first ever NECC…

NECC Workplace ESL Program Receives Statewide Recognition
(Left to right) Claudia Green, executive director, English for New Bostonians; Rosalin Acosta, Secretary, Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development; Terri Pollman, human resource manager, United Electric; Paul Mucciarone, director of production, United Electric;…

NECC Announces Site for Culinary Arts & Hospitality Program
NECC has Site for Downtown Haverhill Culinary Arts & Hospitality Center
If all goes as planned, Northern Essex Community College’s new Culinary Arts & Hospitality Center will be located…

Turks Bring Skills to NECC Basketball Team
Internship Program Holds End of Semester Luncheon
Northern Essex Community College alumni and interns shared a meal as well as industry inside information during the recent fall semester’s Internship Program Recognition Luncheon. Journalism &…

Chamber Ensemble Presents Free Concert
The Northern Essex Community College Chamber Ensemble will present selected works of Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Pachelbel, and other composers during its annual holiday concert, Saturday, Dec.9, at 7…

Christmas Carol is Back
Past articles by year
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- WHAV: Investment Executive, Author and Lecturer Pozen to Address Northern Essex Grads in May
- Giving Day is April 3!
- Eagle-Tribune: Pozen named as NECC commencement speaker